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Englesko-hrvatski rječnik

BETA Croatian-English translation for: se
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English-Croatian Dictionary: se

se {pron}
selen {m} <Se> [zast.] [selenij]
selenium <Se>kem.
selenij {m} <Se>
selenium <Se>kem.
Čuvaj se!
Take care!
Goni se!
Fuck you! [vulg.]
Fuck off! [vulg.]
Piss off! [vulg.]
Bugger off! [Br.] [vulg.]
Gubi se!
Get lost! [coll.]
Ispričavam se!
Excuse me!
Jebi se! [vulg.]
Fuck you! [vulg.]
Nosi se!
Fuck you! [vulg.]
Get lost! [coll.]
Bugger off! [Br.] [vulg.]
Požuri se!
Hurry up!
Probudi se!
Wake up!
Raskomoti se!
Make yourself comfortable! [informal]
Raskomotite se!
Make yourself comfortable! [formal]
Saberi se!
Get a grip!
Sjećam se ...
I remember ...
Slažem se.
I agree.
Smiri se!
Calm down! [informal]
Vidimo se!
See you!
See you soon!
Vrati se!
Come back!
Zovem se ...
My name is ...
bojati se [nesv.]
to be afraid
to be scared
bojati se koga/čega [nesv.]
to fear sb./sth.
boriti se [nesv.]
to fight
brinuti se [nesv.]
to care
to worry
činiti se [nesv.]
to seem
čuditi se [nesv.]
to wonder
diviti se [nesv.]
to marvel
to admire
dogoditi se [sv.]
to happen
doimati se [nesv.]
to seem
družiti se [nesv.]
to hang out [coll.]
duriti se [nesv.]
to sulk
gnijezditi se [nesv.]
to nestle
hvalisati se [nesv.]
to brag
to show off [coll.]
hvastati se [nesv.]
to show off [coll.]
igrati se [nesv.]
to play
iseliti se [sv.]
to move outnekr.
ispričati se [sv.]
to apologize
to apologise [Br.]
ispričavati se [nesv.]
to apologize
to apologise [Br.]
izleći se [sv.]
to hatchzool.
to emergezool.
to eclosezool.
to hatch outzool.
jadati se [nesv.]
to complain
javiti se [sv.]
to answertelekom.
kladiti se [nesv.]
to bet
kleti se [nesv.]
to vow
to swear [to vow]
kotrljati se [nesv.]
to roll
krčkati se [nesv.]
to simmerkulin.
kretati se [nesv.]
to move
kriti se [nesv.]
to hide
kuneti se [nesv.]
to vow
kuniti se [nesv.]
to vow
to swear [to vow]
maziti se [nesv.]
to cuddle
micati se [nesv.]
to move
moliti se [nesv.]
to prayrelig.
nadati se [nesv.]
to hope
napiti se [sv.]
to get drunk
naroljati se [sv.]
to get shitfaced [vulg.]
natjecati se [nesv.]
to compete
obući se [sv.]
to dress
odijevati se [nesv.]
to dress
odjenuti se [sv.]
to dress
odmarati se [nesv.]
to rest
odmoriti se [sv.]
to rest
ojanjiti se [sv.]
to give birth [sheep]zool.
okotiti se [sv.]
to give birthzool.
okrenuti se [sv.]
to turn
okupiti se [sv.]
to gather
omaciti se [sv.]
to give birth [cats]zool.
onesvijestiti se [sv.]
to faint
oporaviti se [sv.]
to recoverekon.med.
oporavljati se [nesv.]
to recover [health]med.
opustiti se [sv.]
to relax
osjećati se [nesv.]
to feel
ošteniti se [sv.]
to whelpzool.
oteliti se [sv.]
to give birth [cattle]zool.
oženiti se [sv.]
to marry [from his perspective]
to get married [from his perspective]
penjati se [nesv.]
to climb
pitati se [nesv.]
to wonder
to ask oneself
pobrinuti se [sv.]
to take care
podudarati se [nesv.]
to match
podudariti se [sv.]
to match
pojaviti se [sv.]
to show up
poklapati se [nesv.]
to match
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