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Engelsk-dansk ordbog

BETA English-Danish translation for: Drake'a
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Danish-English Dictionary: Drake'a

abroad {adv} [in a foreign country]
i udlandet
abroad {adv} [to a foreign country]
til udlandet
for {prep} [e.g. to work for a company]
hos, ved, for
quarter {adj} [of a/an] [attrib.]
salutary {adj} [producing a beneficial effect]
there {adv} [to a place]
to hold [e.g. a meeting, an election]
at afholde
to board [a ship]
at borde
to break (sth.) [win a tennis game in which the opponent is serving]
at bryde (ngt.) [i tennis vinde modstanderens serveparti]sport
to cycle [ride a bicycle]
at cyklecykel
to douse sth. [a candle, a light, a fire]
at slukke ngt. [dagl.] [et levende lys, en brændende tændstik, en brand]
to fell [a tree]
at fælde [et træ]
to fire [a gun, a shot]
at affyre
to fix [e.g. a price, rate]
at fastsætte
to groom [e.g. a horse]
at striglehest.
to insert [coins in a machine]
at indkaste
to launch [a boat, ship]
at søsættenaut.
to lie [tell a lie]
at lyve
to maintain [keep a machine in good condition]
at efterse [maskine]
to pitch [a ball]
at kaste
to recharge [e.g. a battery]
at genoplade [fx et batteri]
to recreate [a literary work]
at gendigtelitt.
to skip [with a skipping rope]
at sjippe
act [in a play]
akt {fk} [uform. {n}] [i et skuespil]teater
barrel [of a gun]
løb {n} [på et skydevåben]våben
beer [e.g. a bottle of]
øl {fk} [om flaske e.l. med øl]
boot [Br.] [of a car]
bagagerum {n}automob.
canon [member of a cathedral chapter, etc.]
kannik {fk}relig.
cavity [decayed part of a tooth]
hul {n} [i tand]odont.
centre [Br.] [of a town or city]
bymidte {fk}
cuff [on a sleeve]
manchet {fk}klæd.
dedication [of a book; commitment]
dedikation {fk}
departure [on a journey]
afrejse {fk}
directions {pl} [instructions on how to reach a destination]
vejbeskrivelse {fk}
diving [e.g. from a diving board]
udspring {n}sport
drive [journey in a vehicle]
kørsel {fk}
envelope [for a letter]
konvolut {fk}
floors [in a multistorey building]
etager {pl}
grandson [a daughter's son]
dattersøn {fk}
grandson [a son's son]
sønnesøn {fk}
gutter [on a building]
tagrende {fk}
hood [Br.] [on a pram, convertible etc.]
kaleche {fk}
hurdle [in a hurdle race]
hæk {fk} [ved hækkeløb]sport
jekt [Norwegian fishing vessel with one large square sail and a staysail]
jægt {fk}naut.
key [on a keyboard]
tast {fk}
tangent {fk}mus.
legend [list of symbols on a map]
signaturforklaring {fk} [på landkort]
litter [for carrying a person]
bærestol {fk}hist.
lock [on a door]
lås {fk}
mannequin [dated] [fashion model] [also a dummy]
mannequin {fk} [også mannequindukke]
mouth [e.g. of a river]
munding {fk}geogr.
nag [coll.] [pej.] [a horse, esp. one that is old or in poor health]
øg {n} [nedsætt.]hest.
occupation [e.g. of a country]
besættelse {fk}
platform [at a railway station]
perron {fk}jernb.
provincial [inhabitant of a province]
provinsbo {fk}
quarter [of a year]
kvartal {n}
reflection [in a mirror, water etc.]
spejlbillede {n}
release [of a book, film etc.]
udgivelse {fk}
reverse [of a coin, medal etc.]
bagside {fk}
share [in a company]
aktie {fk}
skin [of a fruit or vegetable]
skræl {fk}
slide [e.g. in a playground]
rutsjebane {fk} [fx i en legeplads]
sole [of a foot or shoe]
sål {fk}anat.klæd.
speaker [giving a speech publicly]
taler {fk}
stage [in a theatre]
scene {fk} [teaterscene]teater
statement [for a bank account / customer account]
kontoudtog {n}fin.
kontoudskrift {fk} {n}fin.
trout [a number of species of freshwater fish belonging to the Salmoninae subfamily]
forel {fk}iktyo.T
trunk [Am.] [of a car]
bagagerum {n}automob.
whistle [device that makes a whistling sound when blown]
fløjte {fk}
24-hour {adj} [open 24 hours a day]
to aim sth. at sb./sth. [e.g. a gun, a torch]
at rette ngt. mod ngn./ngt.
to drop sb. off [e.g. from a vehicle]
at sætte ngn. af
to find oneself [in a situation or place]
at befinde sig
ice cream [e.g. in a cone]
softice {fk}gastr.
place setting [one person's cutlery etc. at a table]
kuvert {fk}
Yes, I do! [contradicting a negative question]
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
I nøden skal man kende sine venner.ordsp.
a storm in a teacup [Br.]
en storm i et glas vandtalem.
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
øje for øje, tand for tandbibel.
Even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn.
Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.ordsp.
Even a blind squirrel will find a nut / an acorn once in a while.
Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.ordsp.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Blind høne finder også et korn / guldkorn.ordsp.
In for a penny, in for a pound!
Skal der være gilde, så lad der være gilde!ordsp.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Har man sagt A, må man også sige B.ordsp.
Many a little makes a mickle.
Mange bække små gør en stor å.ordsp.
(a) year and a half
halvandet år {n}
(common) ragweed [Ambrosia artemisiifolia, syn.: A. elatior]
bynke-ambrosie {fk}bot.T
monkey puzzle araucaria [Araucaria araucana, syn.: A. imbricata]
abetræ {n}bot.T
monkey tail tree [Araucaria araucana, syn.: A. imbricata]
abetræ {n}bot.T
monkey-puzzle tree [Araucaria araucana, syn.: A. imbricata]
abetræ {n}bot.T
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