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Engels-Nederlands woordenboek

Dutch-English translation for: ground
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English-Dutch Dictionary: ground

gemalen {adj} {past-p}
grond {de}
to ground [Am.]
camping ground
kampeerterrein {het}reisw.toerisme
ground assault
grondaanval {de}mil.
ground attack
grondaanval {de}mil.
ground beef [Am.]
rundergehakt {het}gastr.
ground floor <GF>
begane grond {de}
benedenverdieping {de}
gelijkvloers {het} [BN]
ground forces
landstrijdkrachten {mv}mil.
ground moraine
grondmorene {de}geol.
ground pork
varkensgehakt {het}gastr.
hunting ground
jachtterrein {het}jacht
ground water level
grondwaterpeil {het}hydro.
grondwaterspiegel {de}hydro.
ground water pollution
grondwatervervuiling {de}hydro.milieu
ground water quality
grondwaterkwaliteit {de}hydro.milieu
ground-cover plant
bodembedekker {de}bot.tuin.
on the ground floor
gelijkvloers {adj} {adv}
air-to-ground missile <AGM>
lucht-grondraket {de}mil.
ground-to-ground missile <GGM>
grond-grondraket {de}mil.
Brehm's (ground) parrot
Brehms tijgerparkiet {de} [Psittacella brehmii]vogelk.T
Cape ground squirrel
Kaapse grondeekhoorn {de} [Xerus inauris]zoöl.T
ground pangolin
Kaaps schubdier {het} [Smutsia temminckii, syn.: Manis temminckii]zoöl.T
steppenschubdier {het} [Smutsia temminckii, syn.: Manis temminckii]zoöl.T
Temmincks schubdier {het} [Smutsia temminckii, syn.: Manis temminckii]zoöl.T
lesser ground cuckoo
lijsterkoekoek {de} [Morococcyx erythropygus]vogelk.T
necklace ground beetle
graslandschallebijter {de} [Carabus monilis] [loopkeversoort]entom.T
red-billed ground cuckoo
roodsnavelgrondkoekoek {de} [Neomorphus pucheranii]vogelk.T
rufous-winged ground cuckoo
roodvleugelgrondkoekoek {de} [Neomorphus rufipennis]vogelk.T
scaled ground cuckoo [also: scaled ground-cuckoo]
geschubde grondkoekoek {de} [Neomorphus squamiger]vogelk.T
sharp-beaked ground finch
spitssnavelgrondvink {de} [Geospiza difficilis]vogelk.T
silver-ground carpet [moth]
geoogde bandspanner {de} [Xanthorhoe montanata] [nachtvlindersoort]entom.T
South African ground squirrel
Kaapse grondeekhoorn {de} [Xerus inauris]zoöl.T
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