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Engels-Nederlands woordenboek

Dutch-English translation for: product
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English-Dutch Dictionary: product

product {het}
agricultural product
landbouwproduct {het}agr.handel
aluminium product [Br.]
aluminiumproduct {het}
aluminum product [Am.]
aluminiumproduct {het}
basic product
basisproduct {het}
beauty product
schoonheidsproduct {het}cosm.
blood product
bloedproduct {het}genees.
bottom product
bodemproduct {het}chem.
building product
bouwproduct {het}
bijproduct {het}
cacao product
cacaoproduct {het}voed.
care product
verzorgingsproduct {het}apoth.cosm.textiel
cheese product
kaasproduct {het}gastr.voed.
combustion product
verbrandingsproduct {het}chem.
commercial product
verkoopproduct {het}handel
handelsproduct {het}handelind.
consumer product
consumentenproduct {het}handel
core product
kernproduct {het}econ.
cosmetic product
cosmeticaproduct {het}cosm.
cosmetisch product {het}cosm.
dairy product
zuivelproduct {het}
melkproduct {het}voed.
development product
ontwikkelingsproduct {het}comput.econ.
disposable product
wegwerpproduct {het}milieu
end product
eindproduct {het}
export product
exportproduct {het}handel
farm product
landbouwproduct {het}agr.handel
favorite product [Am.]
lievelingsproduct {het}
favourite product [Br.]
lievelingsproduct {het}
final product
eindproduct {het}
financial product
financieel product {het}fin.
health product
gezondheidsproduct {het}
imported product
importproduct {het}handel
individual product
individueel product {het}
industrial product
industrieel product {het}
insurance product
verzekeringsproduct {het}verzek.
leather product
leerproduct {het}
luxury product
luxeproduct {het}handel
main product
hoofdproduct {het}
mass product
massaproduct {het}econ.ind.
meat product
vleesproduct {het}voed.
natural product
natuurproduct {het}
niche product
nicheproduct {het}handel
packaging product
verpakkingsproduct {het}
petroleum product
aardolieproduct {het}chem.
premium product
topproduct {het}econ.handel
primary product
hoofdproduct {het}
product group
productgroep {de}
product specialist
productspecialist {de}
product topology
producttopologie {de}weten.wisk.
quality product
kwaliteitsproduct {het}KM
single product
individueel product {het}
software product
softwareproduct {het}comput.
special product
speciaal product {het}handel
specialty product [Am.]
speciaal product {het}handel
standard product
standaardproduct {het}
starting product
uitgangsproduct {het}apoth.ind.voed.
steel product
staalproduct {het}
top product
topproduct {het}ind.
waste product
afvalproduct {het}
body care product
lichaamsverzorgend product {het}cosm.
lichaamsverzorgingsproduct {het}cosm.
hair-care product
haarverzorgingsproduct {het}cosm.
skin care product
huidverzorgingsproduct {het}cosm.
top-quality product
topproduct {het}econ.market.
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