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French-English translation for: Battle
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English-French Dictionary: Battle

NOUN   a battle | battles
NOUN   battle | -
VERB  to battle | battled | battled
battling | battles
to battle
bataille {f} [combat]mil.
to battle against sb./sth.
être aux prises avec qn./qc.
to battle on
battle cry
cri {m} de ralliementmil.
battle fatigue
état {m} de choc dû aux combatsmil.psych.
battle honor [Am.]
distinction {f} au combatmil.
battle honour [Br.]
distinction {f} au combatmil.
battle order
ordre {m} de bataillemil.
battle song
chant {m} de bataillemil.mus.
deciding battle
bataille {f} décisivemil.
decisive battle
bataille {f} décisivemil.
gun battle
échange {m} de coups de feuarmesmil.
running battle [fig.] [longstanding argument]
guéguerre {f} [fam.]
street battle
bataille {f} de ruedr.
to do battle (with sb./sth.)
livrer bataille (à qn./qc.)mil.
to fight a battle
livrer une bataille
Battle of Abritus [251] [also: Battle of Forum Terebronii] [heavy defeat of Roman army by federation of Goths and Scyths]
bataille {f} d'Abrittus [251] [aussi : bataille du forum Terebronii]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Adrianople [378] [also: Battle of Hadrianopolis] [overwhelming victory of the Goths over the Eastern Roman Empire]
bataille {f} d'Andrinople [378] [aussi : bataille d'Adrianople ; aujourd'hui Edirne en Turquie européenne]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Agincourt [in 1415 English forces under King Henry V defeated numerically superior French forces in this important battle in the 100 Years' War]
bataille {f} d'Azincourt [1415]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Alcântara [1580] [Habsburg victory in war of Portuguese succession]
bataille {f} d'Alcántara [1580]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Amiens [1918]
bataille {f} d'Amiens [1918]hist.mil.pol.
troisième bataille {f} de Picardie [1918]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Antietam [1862] [also: Battle of Sharpsburg] [Union victory]
bataille {f} d'Antietam [1862] [aussi : bataille de Sharpsburg]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Arcole [1796] [French army victory over Austrian army]
bataille {f} du pont d'Arcole [1796]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Assandun [1016] [also: Battle of Essendune] [Danish victory concluding their conquest of England]
bataille {f} d'Assandun [1016]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Auerstedt [1806] [in the two battles of Jena & Auerstedt, fought on the same day, Napoleon's army decisively defeated the Prussian Army under King Frederick William III]
bataille {f} d'Auerstaedt [1806]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Austerlitz [1805] [also: Battle of the Three Emperors] [Napoleon defeated the larger combined Russian/Austrian Armies, bringing the War of the 3rd Coalition to an end]
bataille {f} d'Austerlitz [1805]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Ayacucho [1824] [secured the independence of Peru and ensured independence for the rest of South America]
bataille {f} d'Ayacucho [1824]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Bailén [1808] [the first open-field defeat of a Napoleonic army - by the Spanish Army of Andalusia]
bataille {m} de Bailén [1808] [aussi : bataille de Baylen]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Balaclava [1854] [part of the Crimean War, with the Allies successfully but not decisively defeating the Russians]
bataille {f} de Balaklava [1854]hist.mil.
Battle of Bannockburn [1314]
bataille {f} de Bannockburn [1314] [écrasante victoire de l'armée écossaise sur les troupes anglaises]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Bassano [1796] [French army victory over Austrian army]
bataille {f} de Bassano [1796]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Beneventum [275 BC] [victory of Roman Republic over Pyrrhus]
bataille {f} de Bénévent [275 av. J.-C.] [aussi : bataille de Beneventum]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Bibracte [58 BC] [Roman army defeated the Helvetii]
bataille {f} de Bibracte [58 av. J.-C.]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Blenheim [1704] [major battle of the War of the Spanish Succession when the overwhelming Allied victory ensured the safety of Vienna from the Franco-Bavarian army]
bataille {f} de Hochstett [1704] [aussi : bataille de Blenheim ou deuxième bataille de Höchstädt]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Borodino [1812] [2nd major battle during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. The Grande Armée won the battle against the Imperial Russian Army, but failed to gain a decisive victory]
bataille {f} de la Moskova [1812] [aussi : bataille de la Moskowa ou bataille de Borodino]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Bouvines [the concluding battle of the Anglo-French War of 1213–1214.A French army under King Philip Augustus defeated an Allied army under Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV]
Bataille {f} de Bouvines [1214]hist.mil.
Battle of Brouwershaven [in 1426, was part of the (1345-1490) wars over control of the Low Countries and resulted in victory for the Duke of Burgundy against mainly English forces]
bataille {f} de Brouwershaven [1426]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Buçaco [1810] [also: Battle of Bussaco] [major battle in the Portuguese mountains, which resulted in the defeat of French forces by Lord Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese Army]
bataille {f} de Buçaco [1810]hist.mil.
Battle of Cannae [216 BC] [Hannibal's Carthaginian army heavily defeated the Roman army]
bataille {f} de Cannes [216 av. J.-C.]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Cantigny [1918]
bataille {f} de Cantigny [1918]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Castillon [decisive French victory in 1453 against England marked the end of the 100 Years' War. Considered the first major battle won through the extensive use of field artillery]
bataille {f} de Castillon [1453]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Chaldiran [1514] [decisive victory for the Ottoman Empire over the Safavid Empire]
bataille {f} de Tchaldiran [1514]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Chancellorsville [1863] [Confederate victory]
bataille {f} de Chancellorsville [1863]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Chemnitz [1639] [Swedish forces inflicted crushing defeat on the combined Saxon/Imperial forces]
bataille {f} de Chemnitz [1639]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Chesme [first of a number of disastrous fleet battles for the Ottomans against Russia]
bataille {f} de Tchesmé [1770]hist.mil.naut.
Battle of Chickamauga [1863] [Confederate victory]
bataille {f} de Chickamauga [1863]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Civetot [1096] [Seljuk Turks of Anatolia defeated the forces of the People's Crusade]
bataille {f} de Civetot [1096]hist.mil.relig.
Battle of Corunna [also: Battle of Elviña] [early in the Peninsular War, the French Army humiliated the British Army and forced it to evacuate by sea]
bataille {f} de La Corogne [1809]hist.mil.
Battle of Crécy [1346, important battle in 100 years' war. French army commanded by King Philip VI was defeated by an English army led by King Edward III ]
bataille {f} de Crécy [1346]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Culloden [1746]
bataille {f} de Culloden [Écosse ; 1746] [fin des rébellions jacobites]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Djerba [1560] [naval victory of Ottomans against Christian Alliance fleet]
bataille {f} de Djerba [1560]hist.mil.naut.
Battle of Dornach [1499] [victory of the Old Swiss Confederacy over the Swabian League]
bataille {f} de Dornach [1499]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Edington [878] [also: Battle of Ethandun] [Saxon army under Alfred the Great defeated the Great Heathen Army]
bataille d'Edington {noun} [878]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Fredericksburg [1862] [Confederate victory]
bataille {f} de Fredericksburg [1862]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Friedland [1807] [Napoleon and the French Army won a decisive victory, routing much of the Russian army. The battlefield was in East Prussia, today Kaliningrad Oblast, Pravdinsk, Russia]
bataille {f} de Friedland [1807]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Gaugamela [331 BC] [Alexander the Great defeated King Darius III] [also: Battle of Arbela]
bataille {f} de Gaugamèles [331 av. J.-C.] [aussi : bataille d'Arbèles]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Gettysburg [1863] [Union victory]
bataille {f} de Gettysburg [1863]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Göllheim [1298] [victory confirming Albert I of Habsburg as King of the Holy Roman Empire]
bataille {f} de Göllheim [1298]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Gravelotte [1870] [also: Battle of Gravelotte–St. Privat] [Prussian victory in largest and decisive battle of the Franco-Prussian War]
bataille {f} de Saint-Privat [1870] [aussi : bataille de Gravelotte]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Guadalete [711] [victory for Muslim army against Visigoths (conquest of Spain)]
bataille {f} du Guadalete [711]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Guam [1944]
seconde bataille {f} de Guam [1944]hist.mil.
Battle of Guinegate [in 1479, first battle in what became over 500 years of conflict between France and the Habsburgs, Battle won by the Habsburgs]
bataille {f} de Guinegatte [1479]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Hastings [1066] [successful Norman invasion of England]
bataille {f} d'Hastings [1066]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Hattin [1187] [also: Battle of the Horns of Hattin] [Muslim armies under Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader forces, and re-captured Jerusalem]
bataille {f} de Hattin [1187] [aussi : bataille des cornes de Hattin ou bataille de Tibériade]hist.mil.relig.
Battle of Inkerman [1854] [the Allies decisively defeated the Imperial Russian Army]
bataille {f} d'Inkerman [1854]hist.mil.
Battle of Issus [333 BC] [also: Battle of Issos] [Macedonian troops, under Alexander the Great, defeated the Persian forces]
bataille {f} d'Issos [333 av. J.-C.]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Jaffa [1192] [final battle of the Third Crusade, after which Saladin and King Richard I of England were able to negotiate a truce, though Saladin retained possession of Jerusalem]
bataille {f} de Jaffa [1192]hist.mil.relig.
Battle of Jena [1806] [in the two battles of Jena & Auerstedt, fought on the same day, Napoleon's army decisively defeated the Prussian Army under King Frederick William III]
bataille {f} d'Iéna [1806]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Jerusalem [1917]
bataille {f} de Jérusalem [1917]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Jutland [1916]
bataille {f} du Jutland [1916]hist.mil.naut.
Battle of Königgrätz [1866] [also: Battle of Sadowa] [Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire]
bataille {f} de Sadowa [1866] [aussi : bataille de Königgrätz]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Kosovo [1389] [Ottoman army defeated Christian army led by the Serbian Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović led by ]
bataille {f} du Chant de Merles [1389] [bataille de Kosovo Polje]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Krasnoi [1812] [also Battle of Krasny] [fought during the final stage of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. The Russians inflicted heavy losses on the remnants of the Grande Armee]
bataille {f} de Krasnoï [1812] [ou bataille de Krasnoje]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Leipzig [1813] [also: Battle of the Nations] [Coalition armies of Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia decisively defeated the Grande Armée of Napoleon]
bataille {m} de Leipzig [1813] [aussi : bataille de Leipsick ou bataille des Nations]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Lemberg [1914] [Russian defeat of Austro-Hungarian army] [also: Battle of Galicia]
bataille {f} de Lemberg [1914]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Lepanto [1571] [fleet of the Holy League inflicted heavy defeat on the fleet of the Ottoman Empire]
bataille {f} de Lépante [1571]hist.mil.naut.
Battle of Leros [1943]
bataille {f} de Léros [1943]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Ligny [1815] [the last victory for Napoleon; the French army defeat of the Prussian army was not decisive]
bataille {f} de Ligny [1815] [aussi : bataille de Fleurus]hist.mil.
Battle of Lutter [1626] [army of the Catholic League defeated combined Danish-German force]
bataille {f} de Lutter [1626]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Lützen [1632] [Allied army (Sweden, Saxony & Hesse-Kassel) defeated Holy Roman & Catholic League army]
bataille {f} de Lützen [1632]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Lützen [1813] [despite enormous losses in Russian Campaign, Napoleon halted the advance of the Sixth Coalition]
bataille {f} de Lützen [1813]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Magdala [1868] [successful conclusion of the British Expedition to Abyssinia to rescue missionaries]
bataille {f} de Magdala [1868]hist.mil.
Battle of Malakoff [1855] [French victory against the Russian forces resulted in the fall of Sevastopol, and subsequent end to the Crimean War]
bataille {f} de Malakoff [1855]hist.mil.
Battle of Manzikert [1071] [also: Battle of Malazgirt] [decisive defeat of the Byzantine Empire by the Seljuk Empire]
bataille {f} de Manzikert [1071]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Marathon [490 BC ] [Greek army inflicted a crushing defeat on the Persians]
bataille {f} de Marathon [490 av. J.-C.]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Marengo [1800] [French forces under First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte defeated and drove the Austrian forces out of Italy, consolidating Napoleon's political position]
bataille {f} de Marengo [1800]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Marignano [1515] [Francis I, King of France defeated the Old Swiss Confederacy ending the War of the League of Cambrai]
bataille {f} de Marignan [1515]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Megiddo [1918]
bataille {f} de Megiddo [1918]hist.mil.pol.
bataille {f} de Naplouse [1918]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Megiddo [609 BC] [Pharaoh of Egypt defeated Kingdom of Judah]
bataille {f} de Megiddo [609 av. J.-C.]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Midway [1942]
bataille {f} de Midway [1942]hist.mil.naut.
Battle of Mohács [1526] [Ottoman victory led to the century-long partition of Hungary]
bataille {f} de Mohács [1526]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Mons [1914]
bataille {f} de Mons [1914]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Morgarten [in 1315, the Confederates of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden defeated a Habsburg army, laying foundation for future independence of the Swiss Confederacy]
bataille {f} de Morgarten [1315]géogr.hist.mil.
Battle of Mühlberg [1547] [Holy Roman Empire defeated the Lutheran Schmalkaldic League]
bataille {f} de Muhlberg [1547]hist.mil.relig.
Battle of Mühldorf [1322] [Bavarian victory over the Habsburgs] [also: Battle of Ampfing]
bataille {f} de Mühldorf [1322] [aussi : bataille d'Ampfing]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Murten [in 1476, the Duke of Burgundy was defeated twice, at Grandson and Murten, by the Swiss Confederation]
bataille {f} de Morat [1476]hist.mil.pol.
Battle of Näfels [in 1388, a decisive victory for the Swiss Confederacy and the last battle of the Swiss-Austrian conflicts]
bataille {f} de Näfels [1388]géogr.hist.mil.
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