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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: newspaper
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English-French Dictionary: newspaper

journal {m}journ.
gazette {f} [journal]journ.
feuille {f} de chou [fam.]journ.
(daily) newspaper
quotidien {m}journ.
(newspaper) kiosk
kiosque {m} à journauxcomm.
evening newspaper
journal {m} du soirjourn.
financial newspaper
journal {m} financierécon.fin.journ.
newspaper account
article {m} de journaljourn.
newspaper article
article {m} de journaljourn.
newspaper cutting
coupure {f} de journal
newspaper hoax
canular {m}journ.
newspaper photo
photo {f} du journaljourn.photo.
newspaper report
article {m} de journaljourn.
newspaper seller
vendeur {m} de journauxjourn.occup.
newspaper seller [female]
vendeuse {f} de journauxjourn.occup.
newspaper stand
kiosque {m} à journauxcomm.
newspaper story
article {m} de journaljourn.
online newspaper
journal {m} en ligneinternetjourn.
quality newspaper
journal {m} d'informationjourn.
specialised newspaper [Br.]
journal {m} spécialiséjourn.
specialized newspaper
journal {m} spécialiséjourn.
Sunday newspaper
journal {m} dominicaljourn.
tabloid (newspaper)
quotidien {m} populairejourn.
journal {m} à sensationjourn.
today's newspaper
le journal {m} d'aujourd'huijourn.
weekly (newspaper)
hebdomadaire {m}éditionjourn.
weekly newspaper
hebdo {m} [fam.]éditionjourn.
journal {m} hebdomadaireéditionjourn.
business daily (newspaper)
quotidien {m} économiqueécon.fin.journ.
economic daily (newspaper)
quotidien {m} économiqueécon.fin.journ.
financial daily (newspaper)
quotidien {m} économiqueécon.fin.journ.
mass circulation newspaper
journal {m} à grand tiragejourn.
mass-circulation daily (newspaper)
quotidien {m} à grand tirageéditionjourn.
skim through the newspaper
lecture {f} hâtive du journaljourn.
in the columns of a newspaper
dans les colonnes d'un journal {adv}journ.
to cut a photo out of a newspaper
découper une photo dans un journaljourn.
to have a quick glance at the newspaper
parcourir le journal rapidementjourn.
sports pages of a newspaper
pages {f.pl} sportives d'un journalsport
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