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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: nose
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English-French Dictionary: nose

nose [Nasus]
nez {m}
nose [of wine]
arôme {m} [d'un vin]œnol.
under sb.'s nose
à la barbe de qn. {adv}
to brown-nose sb. [fig.] [coll.]
lécher les bottes de qn. [fig.] [fam.]
to nose about [coll.] [pej.]
fouiner [fam.] [péj.] [être indiscret]
to nose around [coll.] [pej.]
fouiner [fam.] [péj.] [être indiscret]
to nose out [coll.] [vehicle]
déboîter prudemment [véhicule]autotrafic
aquiline nose
nez {m} aquilinanat.
beak nose [hooknose]
nez {m} aquilinanat.
brown-nose [vulg.]
lèche-cul {m} {f} [fam.]
canine nose
truffe {f} de chienzool.
dog's nose
truffe {f} de chienzool.
hook nose
nez {m} aquilinanat.
hooked nose
nez {m} aquilinanat.
nose cone
ogive {f}armes
nose correction
correction {f} du nezanat.méd.
nose hair [single hair]
poil {m} de nezanat.
nose spray
spray {m} nasalpharm.
pulvérisation {f} nasalepharm.
nose warmer [coll.] [short-stemmed pipe]
brûle-gueule {m} [la pipe à tuyau très courte]
parson's nose
croupion {m}cuis.
sore nose
nez {m} irritéméd.
under one's nose [fig.]
sous les yeux de qn. {adv}
à la vue de qn. {adv} [en voyant]
to blow one's nose
se moucher
moucher son nez
to get up sb.'s nose [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
bassiner qn. [fam.]
to get up sb.'s nose [coll.]
faire chier qn. [fam.]
to hold one's nose
se pincer le nez
se boucher le nezanat.
to nose around in sth.
fouiner dans qc.
to pick one's nose
se mettre les doigts dans le nez
se fourrer les doigts dans le nez
se curer le nez [loc.]anat.
to powder one's nose [coll.] [of a woman, to go to the lavatory] [idiom]
aller aux toilettes
to thumb one's nose [idiom]
faire des pieds-de-nez [loc.]
to wipe one's nose
se moucher
My nose is bleeding.
Je saigne du nez.anat.méd.
sb. has a runny nose
qn. a le nez qui coule
Stop picking your nose!
Cesse de te tripoter le nez !
to beat sb. by a nose [idiom] [Am.]
coiffer qn. au poteau [fam.] [loc.]
to give sb. a bloody nose
faire saigner le nez de qn.anat.
to have a blocked nose
avoir le nez bouchéméd.
to have a congested nose
avoir le nez bouchéméd.
to have a runny nose
avoir le nez qui coule
avoir la chandelle au nez
to have a snotty nose [coll.]
avoir la chandelle au nez [fam.]
to have a stuffy nose
avoir le nez bouchéméd.
to keep one's nose clean [coll.] [idiom] [stay out of trouble]
se tenir peinard [fam.] [loc.]
to lead sb. by the nose [idiom]
tenir qn. en laisse [loc.]
mener qn. par le bout du nez [loc.]
to pay through the nose [fig.]
cracher au bassinet [fig.]
to put sth. right under sb.'s nose [coll.]
mettre qc. sous le nez de qn. [fam.]
to rub sb.'s nose in it [coll.]
mettre à qn. le nez dans son caca [fam.]
to screw up one's nose [idiom]
froncer le nez [loc.]
to speak through one's nose
parler du nez
to thumb one's nose at sb. [idiom]
faire un pied de nez à qn. [loc.]
faire des pieds-de-nez à qn. [loc.]
to win by a nose [idiom]
gagner d'une encolure [loc.]équi.
bridge of the nose
arête {f} du nezanat.
os {m} nasal [Os nasale]anat.
cancer of the nose
cancer {m} du nezméd.
lining of the nose
muqueuse {f} nasale [Tunica mucosa nasi]anat.méd.
mouth-to-nose insufflation
bouche-à-nez {m}méd.PoSauv.
mouth-to-nose resuscitation
bouche-à-nez {m}méd.PoSauv.
mouth-to-nose ventilation
bouche-à-nez {m}méd.PoSauv.
sidewall of the nose
aile {f} du nezanat.
tip of one's nose
bout {m} du nez
tip of the nose
bout {m} du nezanat.
It's no skin off my nose. [coll.] [idiom]
Je m'en b... les c... [hum.] [fam.] [Je m'en bats les couilles]
to balance a barrel on the top of your nose [circus act]
tenir un baril en équilibre sur le bout du nez [numéro de cirque]
to be as plain as the nose on your face [idiom]
être clair comme de l'eau de roche [loc.]
to cut off one's nose to spite one's face [idiom]
se tailler dans le vif [loc.]
se tailler dans les chairs [loc.]
se faire du tort à soi-même [loc.]
se tirer une balle dans le pied [loc.]
to get a punch on the nose
se faire boxer
to keep one's nose to the grindstone
travailler sans relâche
to look down one's nose at sb. [fig.] [in a haughty manner]
regarder qn. de haut [fig.]
to not see further than the end of one's nose [idiom]
ne pas voir plus loin que le bout de son nez [loc.]
to pluck the hairs from one's nose
s'arracher les poils du nez
to poke one's nose in other people's business [idiom]
fourrer son nez partout [fam.] [loc.]
to poke one's nose into everything [coll.] [idiom]
mettre son nez partout [loc.] [fam.]
fourrer son nez partout [fam.] [loc.]
to steal sth. right under sb.'s nose [idiom]
voler qc. au nez et à la barbe de qn. [loc.]dr.
to stick one's finger up one's nose
fourrer son doigt dans son nez [fam.]anat.
to stick one's nose in other people's business [idiom]
fourrer son nez partout [fam.] [loc.]
to stick one's nose into everything [coll.] [idiom]
fourrer son nez partout [fam.] [loc.]
to turn up one's nose at sb./sth. [idiom]
faire la moue au-dessus de qn./qc. [loc.]
ear nose and throat department [ENT department]
service {m} ORLméd.
service {m} d'oto-rhino-laryngologieméd.
ear, nose and throat specialist [ENT specialist]
oto-rhino-laryngologiste {m}méd.occup.
ear, nose and throat specialist [ENT specialist] [female]
oto-rhino-laryngologiste {f}méd.occup.
fracture of the nose bone
fracture {f} du nezanat.méd.
fracture {f} nasaleanat.méd.
woman with a big nose
femme {f} au gros nez
nose bleed
mille-feuille {f} [Achillea millefolium] [aussi : millefeuille]bot.T
nose-horned viper
vipère {f} cornue [Vipera ammodytes]zool.T
vipère {f} ammodyte [Vipera ammodytes]zool.T
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