English-French Dictionary: pig |
- pig [attr.]
- porcin {adj}agr.zool.
- pig
- cochon {m}zool.T
porc {m}zool.T
- in pig [pig]
- en gestation {adj}zool.
- pig-headed
- borné {adj} {past-p}
- pig-headed [coll.]
- buté {adj}
cabochard {adj} [fam.]
- pig-ignorant [pej.] [coll.]
- d'une ignorance crasse {adj} [péj.] [fam.]
- to pig oneself [coll.] [stuff oneself full of food]
- se goinfrer [fam.]cuis.
s'empiffrer [fam.]cuis.
- to pig out [coll.]
- se taper la cloche [fam.]cuis.
- to pig out [idiom] [stuff oneself full of food]
- se goinfrer [fam.]cuis.
- Celtic pig
- porc {m} celte [race de porc typique du nord-ouest de la péninsule Ibérique]zool.
- greedy pig [coll.] [pej.]
- goinfre {m} [péj.]
- pig ears
- oreilles {f.pl} de porccuis.
- pig farmer
- éleveur {m} de porcsagr.occup.
porcher {m}agr.occup.zool.
- pig farmer [female]
- porchère {f}agr.occup.zool.
- pig latin
- verlan {m}ling.
- pig population
- cheptel {m} porcinagr.
- pig's bristle
- soie {f} de porccuis.
- pig's ear
- oreille {f} de porccuis.
- pig's head
- tête {f} de porccuis.
- pig's liver
- foie {m} de porccuis.
- pig's trotter
- pied {m} de porccuis.
pied {m} de cochoncuis.
- pig's trotters
- pieds {m.pl} de porccuis.
- sucking-pig
- cochon {m} de laitcuis.
- suckling pig
- porcelet {m} rôticuis.
cochon {m} de laitcuis.
- truffle pig
- cochon {m} truffiermycol.zool.
- boiled pig's trotter
- pied {m} de porc bouillicuis.
- pig-headed person
- bourrique {m} [fam.]
- pig-headed person [coll.]
- cabochard {m} [fam.]
- pig-headed person [coll.] [female]
- cabocharde {f} [fam.]
- to eat (sth.) like a pig
- bâfrer (qc.) [fam.]
- Year of the Pig
- année {f} du cochon [astrologie chinoise]
- He's the epitome of the male chauvinist pig !
- C'est le type même du parfait macho !
- to act as a guinea pig [idiom]
- servir de cobaye [loc.]
- to be like a pig in clover [idiom]
- être comme un coq en pâte [loc.]
- to buy a pig in a poke [fig.] [coll.]
- acheter chat en poche [fig.] [fam.]
- to make a pig of oneself [idiom]
- s'en foutre plein la lampe [loc.] [fam.]
- to make a pig of oneself [idiom] [stuff oneself full of food]
- se goinfrer [fam.]cuis.
- to make a pig's ear of sth. [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
- bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire]
- to serve as a guinea pig for sb. [idiom]
- servir de cobaye à qn. [loc.]
- Pig Tales. A Novel of Lust and Transformation
- Truismes [Marie Darrieussecq (1996)]littérat.F
- greater guinea pig
- grand cobaye {m} [Cavia magna]zool.T
- guinea pig
- cochon {m} d'Indezool.T
cobaye {m} [Cavia porcellus]zool.T
- odorous pig-salad
- aposéris {f} fétide [Aposeris foetida]bot.T
- pig-lily
- arum {m} [Zantedeschia aethiopica, syn. : Arodes aethiopicum, Calla aethiopica, Richardia aethiopica]bot.T
- puffing pig
- marsouin {m} commun [Phocoena phocoena, syn. : P. americana, P. brachycium, P. communis, P. lineata, P. vomerina, P. rondeletti, Delphinus (Phocaena) phocaena, D. phocaena, D. ventricosus]zool.T
- woolly pig
- cochon {m} laineuxzool.T
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