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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: rank
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English-French Dictionary: rank

rank [sheer, utter]
pur {adj} [en intensif]
rank [smell or taste: unpleasant]
nauséabond {adj}
to rank
se classer
to rank sb./sth.
classer qn./qc. [film, chanson, artiste, joueur]filmmus.sport
rang {m} [dans une hiérarchie]
rank [status level in military, police etc.]
grade {m}
to rank first
se classer premier [joueur]sport
taxi rank [Br.]
station {f} de taxistransp.
of equal rank [postpos.]
du même rang {adj}
d'égale importance {adj}
rank and file [e.g. members of a political party]
de base {adj}
base {f}pol.
to pull rank on sb.
abuser de son rang
to reduce sb. in rank
dégrader qn. [retirer un grade]mil.
in rank and file
en ligne {adv} [personnes]
rank and file member
militant {m} de basepol.
rank and file member [female]
militante {f} de basepol.
the rank and file
les rangs {m.pl} d'une arméemil.
to line up in rank and file
se mettre en rangs d'oignons [fam.]mil.
to raise sb. to the rank of sth.
élever qn. au rang de qc.
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