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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: sb
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English-French Dictionary: sb

sb. might
qn. pourrait
sb. can
qn. peut
sb. could [would be able to]
qn. pourrait
sb./sth. is
qn./qc. est
sb./sth. was
qn./qc. fut
qn./qc. était
sb./sth. had
qn./qc. avait
besides sb.
sans compter qn. {adv}
by sb./sth. [near (to)]
au niveau de qn./qc. {adv} [près de]
following sb. [a famous teacher, etc.]
dans la lignée de qn. {adv}
sb. allowed
qn. permettait
sb. complained
qn. s'est lamenté
qn. se lamenta [littéraire]
sb. could [used to be able to, was able to]
qn. pouvait
sb. decides
qn. décide
sb. did sth.
qn. fit qc.
sb. expected
qn. attendait
sb. must
qn. doit
sb. needs sth.
il faut qc. à qn.
sb. provides
qn. fournit
sb. served
qn. servait
sb. suffers
qn. souffre
sb. tries
qn. essaie
qn. essaye
sb. tries [attempts]
qn. tente
sb./sth. came
qn./qc. vint
qn./qc. venait
through sb.
par le biais de qn. {adv}
par le biais des qn. {adv}
towards sb. [regarding]
à l'endroit de qn. {prep} [littéraire]
to meet sb./sth. [encounter]
rencontrer qn./qc.
to move (sb./sth.)
bouger (qn./qc.)
to remember sth./sb.
rappeler qc./qn.
to welcome sb. [to greet]
accueillir qn.
to follow (sb./sth.)
suivre (qn./qc.)
to hold sb./sth.
tenir qn./qc.
to betray sb./sth.
trahir qn./qc.
to catch sb./sth.
attraper qn./qc.
to kill (sb./sth.)
tuer (qn./qc.)
to know sb./sth.
connaître qn./qc.
to appreciate sb./sth.
apprécier qn./qc.
to beat sb./sth. [eggs, people]
battre qn./qc.
to weigh (sb./sth.)
peser (qn./qc.)
to fear sb./sth.
craindre qn./qc.
to bleed (sb./sth.)
saigner (qn./qc.)
to bother sb.
gêner qn. [déranger par sa présence]
to cut (sb./sth.)
couper (qn./qc.)
to hate sb./sth.
détester qn./qc.
haïr qn./qc.
to injure sb./sth.
blesser qn./qc.
to recognize sth./sb. [Am.]
reconnaître qc./qn.
to sack sb. [Br.] [coll.]
virer qn. [fam.]occup.
to disturb sb.
déranger qn.
to rescue sb./sth.
sauver qn./qc.
to support sb./sth.
soutenir qn./qc.
to thank sb.
remercier qn.
to touch sb./sth.
toucher qn./qc.
to bring sb./sth.
amener qn./qc.
to hear sb./sth.
entendre qn./qc.
to hit sb./sth.
frapper qn./qc.
to kiss sb.
embrasser qn.
to mislead sb.
tromper qn.
to invite sb.
inviter qn.
to pursue sb./sth.
poursuivre qn./qc.
to wake sb.
réveiller qn.
to abandon sb./sth. [person, hope, attempt]
abandonner qn./qc. [personne, espoir, essai]
to adore sb./sth.
adorer qn./qc.
to fuck sb. [vulg.]
baiser qn. [vulg.]
to upset sb.
inquiéter qn.
to weaken sb./sth.
affaiblir qn./qc.
to amuse sb.
amuser qn.
to attack (sb./sth.)
attaquer (qn./qc.)
to drag sb./sth.
traîner qn./qc. [tirer]
to enlighten sb.
éclairer qn. [faire comprendre]
to save sb./sth. [rescue]
sauver qn./qc.
to chase sb./sth.
chasser qn./qc.
to love sb./sth.
aimer qn./qc.
to obsess sb.
obséder qn.
to select sb./sth.
choisir qn./qc.
to assure sb./sth.
assurer qn./qc.
to comfort sb.
réconforter qn.
to marry sb.
épouser qn.
to oppress sb./sth.
opprimer qn./qc. [peuple]
to shave sb./sth.
raser qn./qc. [personne, tête, joue, jambe]
to appease sb.
apaiser qn.
to call sb./sth.
appeler qn./qc.
to embrace sb./sth.
embrasser qn./qc.
to mind sb./sth.
garder qn./qc.
to repatriate sb./sth.
rapatrier qn./qc.
to trouble sb.
inquiéter qn.
to lead (sb./sth.)
mener (qn./qc.)
to see sb./sth.
voir qn./qc.
to want sb./sth. [desire]
vouloir qn./qc.
to find sb./sth.
trouver qn./qc.
to lose (sb./sth.)
perdre (qn./qc.)
to forget sb./sth.
oublier qn./qc.
to serve (sb./sth.) [food etc., also in sports]
servir (qn./qc.)
to shake sb./sth.
secouer qn./qc.
to flee (sb./sth.)
fuir (qn./qc.)
to irritate sb.
agacer qn.
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