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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: separate
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English-French Dictionary: separate

séparé {adj}
indépendant {adj} [chambre, entrée]immo.
separate [independent, autonomous]
autonomiste {adj}
to separate (sb./sth.)
séparer (qn./qc.)
to separate
se séparer
to separate sb./sth.
écarter qn./qc.
séparer qn./qc. [éloigner - gens]
to separate sth.
trier qc.
disjoindre qc. [isoler]tech.
cliver qc. [pierre]géol.minér.
to separate sth. [oysters which are stuck together]
détroquer qc. [huîtres]alim.zool.
to separate from sb./sth.
se déprendre de qn./qc. [littéraire]
to separate garbage [Am.] [Aus.]
trier les déchetsécol.
to separate rubbish [Br.]
trier les déchetsécol.
to separate sb./sth. from sb./sth.
séparer qn./qc. de qn./qc.
dissocier qn./qc. de qn./qc. [séparer]
to separate sth. from sth.
disjoindre qc. de qc.tech.
to separate sth. out
trier qc.
séparer qc. [composants]
détacher qc. [faire ressortir]
to separate waste
trier les déchetsécol.
separate issues
questions {f.pl} disjointes
separate ownership [of property by marriage partners]
séparation {f} [de biens]dr.
separate valuation
ventilation {f} [juridique]dr.fin.
by separate post
par courrier séparé {adv}
to allow sth. to separate
laisser décanter qc. [sédiment]chim.
to separate sth. into strands
dédoubler qc. [diviser - brin de laine]textile
to draw two separate pensions
cumuler deux pensionsfin.
to sleep in separate rooms
faire chambre à part
We have gone our separate ways in life.
La vie nous a séparés.
to separate the elements of a set (from each other)
désunir les éléments d'un ensemble
to separate the ore from the valueless material
séparer le minerai de la gangueminér.mines
to separate the wheat from the chaff [idiom]
séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie [loc.]
to separate the whites from the yolks
séparer les blancs des jaunescuis.
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