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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: song
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English-French Dictionary: song

chanson {f}
(bird) song
chant {m} (d'oiseau)
battle song
chant {m} de bataillemil.mus.
bawdy song
chanson {f} paillardemus.
bird song
chant {m} des oiseauxorn.
carnival song
chanson {f} de carnavalmus.
children's song
chanson {f} pour enfantsmus.
drinking song
chanson {f} à boiremus.
hit (song)
chanson {f} à succèsmus.
love song
chanson {f} d'amourmus.
marching song
chanson {f} de marchemus.
popular song
chanson {f} populaire [moderne]
mélopée {f}mus.
traditional song
chanson {f} populairemus.
for a song [coll.] [idiom]
à vil prix {adv}
to burst into song
se mettre à chantermus.
(traditional) folk song
chant {m} populairemus.
courtly love-song
Minnesang {m}mus.
light-hearted song
chansonnette {f} [frivole]mus.
Song of Songs
Cantique {m} des Cantiques [cantiques de Salomos, chants de Salomos]bible
traditional folk song
chanson {f} folkloriquemus.
How does the song go?
Quel est l'air de la chanson ?
That's nothing to make a song (and dance) about. [coll.] [idiom]
Ce n'est rien de spécial. [loc.]
The title of this novel is taken from a popular song.
Ce roman tire son titre d'une chanson populaire.
to make a song and dance about sth. [Br.] [idiom]
faire tout un plat de qc. [loc.]
to make a song and dance about sth. [idiom]
faire grand bruit autour de qc. [loc.]
to not make a song and dance about sth. [idiom]
ne pas faire grand cas de qc. [loc.]
Song of Love [Clarence Brown (1947 film)]
Passion immortellefilmF
Song of Solomon [Toni Morrison]
Le chant de Salomonlittérat.F
song bird
oiseau {m} chanteurorn.T
song sparrow
bruant {m} chanteur [Melospiza melodia]orn.T
song thrush
grive {f} musicienne [Turdus philomelos]orn.T
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