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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: think
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English-French Dictionary: think

to think sth. [believe]
croire qc.
to think (sth.)
penser (qc.)
to think [reflect]
to think
to think [long and hard]
cogiter [fam.]
gamberger [fam.]
to think sth.
songer qc.
estimer qc. [penser, juger]
to think sth. [believe, consider]
trouver qc. [croire, penser]
to make sb. think
faire réfléchir qn.
to think about sb./sth.
penser à qn./qc.
penser de qn./qc.
songer à qn./qc. [penser à]
to think about sth.
cogiter sur qc.
réfléchir à qc.
réfléchir sur qc.
se préoccuper de qc. [avenir, opinion]
to think about sth. [pay attention to]
regarder à qc.
to think aloud
penser tout haut
to think differently
penser autrement
to think of sb./sth.
penser à qn./qc.
songer à qn./qc.
penser de qn./qc.
to think oneself sth. [to consider oneself as]
s'estimer qc. [se considérer comme]
to think over sth. [consider]
songer à qc. [réfléchir à]
to think sth. about sb./sth.
penser qc. de qn./qc.
to think sth. of sb./sth.
penser qc. de qn./qc.
to think sth. out [plan]
penser qc. [concevoir]
to think sth. over
reconsidérer qc.
réfléchir à qc.
to think sth. through
bien réfléchir à qc.
to think sth. through [plan]
penser qc. [concevoir]
to think sth. up
inventer qc.
to think that ...
trouver que ...
to think twice
réfléchir à deux fois
to think up sth. [devise]
imaginer qc. [méthode, moyen]
pensée {f} contradictoire
think tank
groupe {m} d'experts
groupe {m} de réflexion
laboratoire {m} d'idées
cellule {f} de réflexion
I think not.
Je pense que non.
I think so.
Oui, je pense.
Think about it.
Penses-y. [fam.]
Think about them. [inanimate objects]
Penses-y. [fam.]
Think about them. [people, animate beings]
Pense à eux / elles. [fam.]
Think yourself lucky!
Estimez-vous heureux !
to make one think
donner à penser
laisser à penser
to not think twice [idiom]
ne pas y aller par quatre chemins [loc.]
to think back over sth.
repasser qc. dans son esprit
to think back to sth.
se reporter en arrière à qc.
songer à qc. [en se souvenant]
se reporter à qc. [revenir en pensée]
to think highly of sb.
estimer qn. [respecter]
to think much of sb./sth. [idiom]
penser du bien de qn./qc. [loc.]
to think of doing sth.
songer à faire qc.
to think of leaving
songer à partir
to think of sth. as sth.
concevoir qc. comme qc.
to think out loud
penser tout haut
to think sb. is nice
trouver qn. gentil
to think sth. is strange
trouver qc. bizarre
to think sth./sb. is good
plébisciter qn./qc. [approuver]
ability to think
faculté {f} de penserbiol.
time to think
délai {m} de réflexion
(Yes,) I think so.
Je pense que oui.
Do you think so?
Tu trouves ?
Great minds think alike. [idiom]
Les grands esprits se rencontrent. [loc.]
I don't think so.
Je ne crois pas.
Je crois que non.
Think about him / her.
Pense à lui / elle. [fam.]
Think nothing of it! [idiom]
Avec plaisir !
À votre service !
Think nothing of it.
Je vous en prie. [de rien]
What do you think?
Qu'en penses-tu ? [fam.]
Whatever you think best.
Comme tu voudras.
to not think about tomorrow
être insouciant du lendemain
to not think much of sb./sth.
ne pas avoir une bonne opinion de qn./qc.
to take time to think
prendre le temps de la réflexion
to think carefully before acting
raisonner avant d'agir
to think it best that [+subj.]
être d'avis que [+subj.] [loc.] [penser préférable que]
to think of highly of sb./sth.
penser le plus grand bien de qn./qc.
to think of sb./sth. once more
repenser à qn./qc.
to think only of oneself
se préoccuper de sa petite personne
to think outside the box [idiom]
penser autrement
sortir du cadre [loc.]
sortir des sentiers battus [loc.]
to think twice before doing sth.
réfléchir à deux fois avant de faire qc.
(No) I don't think so.
Je pense que non.
Contrary to what many people think, ...
Contrairement à ce que beaucoup de personnes pensent, ...
Give me a minute to think it over.
Laisse-moi un moment pour réfléchir.
Give me a moment to think it over.
Laisse-moi un moment pour réfléchir.
He didn't think that up himself. [idiom]
Ce n'est pas de son cru. [loc.]
He doesn't care what other people think.
Il se moque de l'opinion des autres.
He was so tired he couldn't think straight.
La fatigue lui engourdissait l'esprit.
I don't think much of the plot. [idiom]
L'intrigue ne me dit pas grand'chose. [loc.]filmRadioTVthéâtre
I don't think that's the same.
Je trouve que ce n'est pas la même chose.
I need time to think.
Il me faut du temps pour réfléchir.
I think I did a good job.
Je pense avoir fait du bon travail.
I think that looks good.
Je trouve que ça c'est bien. [fam.]
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