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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: to open sth
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English-French Dictionary: to open sth

to open (sth.)
ouvrir (qc.)
to open sth. [bottle]
déboucher qc. [bouteille]
to open sth.
donner le coup d'envoi de qc. [festival, fête]
to open sth. [e.g. a negotiation]
entamer qc. [dialogue, réunion, négociation]
to open sth. [e.g. a new station]
mettre qc. en service [gare, aérogare]transp.
to open sth. [e.g. an agency]
implanter qc. [agence, cafétéria]comm.
to open sth. [legs, knees]
écarter qc. [jambes, genoux]
to open sth. [letter]
décacheter qc. [lettre]
to open sth. [new building]
inaugurer qc.
to open sth. [parcel, present]
déballer qc. [paquet, cadeau]
to break sth. open [sealed document]
décacheter qc. [document scellé]
to crack sth. (open)
casser qc. [noix]
to crack sth. open [champagne]
sabrer qc. [champagne]
to fling sth. open
ouvrir qc. brusquement
to half-open sth.
entrebâiller qc.
to open (sth.) again
réouvrir (qc.)
to open onto sth.
déboucher sur qc. [rue, passage]
to open sth. out
déplier qc. [carte]
to open sth. wide [e.g. eyes, mouth]
écarquiller qc.anat.
to open with sth.
s'ouvrir sur qc. [discours]
s'ouvrir avec qc. [spectacle]
to open with sth. [commence]
s'ouvrir par qc. [dialogue, séance, conférence]
to steam sth. open
décoller qc. à la vapeur [enveloppe]
to be open to sb./sth.
être ouvert à qn./qc.
to open sth. a crack
entrouvrir qc. [porte, fenêtre]
to open sth. a little
entrouvrir qc. [porte, fenêtre]
to open up to sth.
s'ouvrir à qc. [pays, économie]
to be open-minded about sth.
n'avoir aucun préjugé sur qc.
to be quite open about sth.
ne pas se cacher qc.
to declare open season on sb./sth. [idiom]
lâcher les chiens sur qn./qc. [loc.]
to lay oneself open to sth.
s'exposer à qc. [poursuites, critiques, représailles]
to open credit facilities for sb./sth.
accréditer qn./qc. [accorder un crédit]fin.
to bring sth. out into the open
étaler qc. au grand jour
to do sth. with one's eyes open [idiom] [knowingly]
faire qc. en connaissance de cause [loc.]
to keep an open mind about sth.
réserver son jugement sur qc.
ne pas avoir de préjugés sur qc.
to keep one's eyes open for sb./sth.
essayer de repérer qn./qc.
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