- to soften
- mollir [personne]
- to soften sth.
- amollir qc.
ramollir qc. atténuer qc. minimiser qc. [effet] adoucir qc. [peau, tissu, eau, éclairage, expression] détremper qc. [métal]matériel
- to soften sth. [attitude]
- modérer qc. [attitude, politique]
- to soften sth. [light, sound, colours]
- assourdir qc.
- to soften sth. [tone down]
- édulcorer qc. [lettre, propos]
- to soften sth. [voice]
- radoucir qc. [voix]
- to soften sb. up
- radoucir qn.
- to soften sth. up
- assouplir qc. [chaussures, linge]
- to soften up
- s'assouplir [chaussures, linge]
- to soften up [become easy-going]
- se radoucir [personne]
- to soften up sth.
- amollir qc.
- to soften the blow [fig.]
- amortir le choc [fig.]

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