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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: would
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English-French Dictionary: would

sb. would send
qn. enverrait
I would rather ...
Je préférerais ...
There would be ...
Il y aurait ...
I would be delighted. [male person]
Je serais ravi.
It would seem that ...
Il paraîtrait que ...
sb. would have to do sth.
qn. devrait faire qc.
Would you like (to) ... ?
Tu voudrais ... ?
Would you mind waiting?
Puis-je vous demander de patienter ?
as chance would have it [idiom]
le hasard a voulu que [+subj.] [loc.]
Chance would have it that ... [+subj.] [idiom]
Le hazard a voulu que ... [+subj.] [loc.]
He would have had to have done a lot of research.
Il aurait dû avoir fait beaucoup de recherches.
How would you have dealt with it? [idiom]
Comment vous y seriez-vous pris ? [loc.]
How would you have gone about it? [idiom]
Comment t'y serais-tu pris ? [loc.]
Comment vous y seriez-vous pris ? [loc.]
How would you have handled it? [idiom]
Comment vous y seriez-vous pris ? [loc.]
I would appreciate if you would ...
Je vous saurais gré de bien vouloir ...
I would be only too pleased to do sth.
Ça me ferait tellement plaisir de faire qc.
I would like to ask you if ...
Je voudrais te demander si ...
I would like to call your attention to ...
J'attire votre attention sur ...
I would like to checkout.
Je voudrais faire le check-out.VocVoy.
I would like to eat.
Je veux manger.cuis.VocVoy.
I would like to introduce you to my brother.
J'aimerais vous faire connaître mon frère.
I would sooner not do it.
J'aimerais autant (ne) pas le faire.
It would be a good thing to do sth.
Il serait bon de faire qc.
It would be a good thing.
Ce serait un bien.
It would be an exaggeration to say that ...
Il serait exagéré de dire que ...
It would be best to leave.
Il vaudrait mieux partir.
It would be interesting to see.
Ce serait curieux à voir.
It would give us great pleasure ...
Cela nous ferait grandement plaisir ...
It would suit me better if you came earlier.
Ça m'arrangerait que tu viennes plus tôt.
One would almost hold one's breath while passing by their study.
C'est tout juste si on ne retenait pas son souffle en passant devant leur étude.
One would have said that ...
On aurait dit que ...
On eût dit que ... [littéraire]
sb. wished the ground would open and swallow them up. [idiom]
qn. ne sait plus où se mettre [loc.] [éprouve un fort sentiment de honte]
sb. would have had to do sth. [regularly or on a single occasion]
qn. aurait dû faire qc.
Tell me who you would like to speak with.
Dites-moi qui vous demandez.
That would be a pity.
Ce serait dommage.
That would be self-defeating.
Cela irait à l'encontre du but recherché.
That's why I would like to ...
C'est la raison pour laquelle je voudrais ...
The amount she would have owed was 100 euros.
La somme qu'elle aurait due a été 100 euros.
There's nothing I would like better than to go.
Je ne demande pas mieux que de partir.
We would like to eat.
Nous souhaitons manger.cuis.tourismeVocVoy.
What would be his reply to me?
Que me répondrait-il ?
Who would you like to speak with?
Qui demandez-vous ?
Would there be anything else? [more purchases]
Et avec ça ? [plus d'achats]comm.
Would you be kind enough to ...
Voulez-vous avoir l'obligeance de ...
Would you do me the favour of ...?
Faites-moi la gentillesse de ...
Would you like anything to eat?
Tu veux manger quelque chose ? [fam.]
Would you like some more?
En voulez-vous davantage ?
You would be well advised to keep quiet.
Vous gagneriez à vous taire.
You would need to do sth.
Il faudrait que tu fasses qc.
The Man who would be king [John Huston (1975)]
L'Homme qui voulut être roifilmF
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