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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: sth
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English-Italian Dictionary: sth

something <sth.>
qualcosa {pron} <qc.>
sb./sth. is
qn./qc. è
before sth.
prima di qc. {adv}
despite sth.
malgrado qc. {prep}
sb./sth. damaged
qn./qc. danneggiato
sb./sth. went
qn./qc. andò
sth. was
with sb./sth.
assieme a qn./qc. {adv}
without sb./sth.
privo di qn./qc. {adj} [senza]
to pay sth.
pagare qc.
to close sth.
chiudere qc.
to choose sth.
scegliere qc.
to take sth./sb.
prendere qc./qn.
to add sth.
aggiungere qc.
to buy sth.
comprare qc.
to explain sth.
spiegare qc.
to feel sth.
sentire qc.
to make sth.
fare qc.
to share sth. [have in common]
condividere qc.
to attempt sth.
provare qc.
to find sth.
trovare qc.
to lose (sb./sth.)
perdere (qn./qc.)
to move sth.
muovere qc.
to raise sth.
alzare qc.
to see sb./sth.
vedere qn./qc.
to cook sth.
cuocere qc.
to cut sth.
tagliare qc.
to do sth.
fare qc.
to eat sth.
mangiare qc.
to hear sth.
sentire qc.
to light sth.
accendere qc.
to provide sth.
fornire qc. [risposta, esempio, prova, alibi, informazioni, rifugio]
to repeat sth.
ripetere qc.
to assume sth. [responsibility, liability, office etc.]
assumere qc.
to boast sth.
vantare qc.
to download sth. [Internet]
scaricare qc. [da Internet]comp.
to enjoy sth.
godere qc.
to have sth.
avere qc.
to interrupt sb./sth.
interrompere qn./qc.
to match sth.
abbinare qc.
to open sth.
aprire qc.
to pour sth.
versare qc.
to read sth.
leggere qc.
to abandon sb./sth.
abbandonare qn./qc.
to achieve sth. [attain]
raggiungere qc. [conseguire]
to blanket sb./sth. [cover sb./sth.]
coprire qn./qc.
to bother sb./sth.
infastidire qn./qc.
to challenge sb./sth.
sfidare qn./qc.
to concern sb./sth.
riguardare qn./qc.
to count sth.
contare qc.
to delete sth.
cancellare qc.
to draw sth.
disegnare qc.
to ensure sth.
assicurare qc.
to explore sth.
esplorare qc.
to feign sth.
fingere qc.
to hate sth.
odiare qc.
to join sb./sth. [connect, unite]
unire qn./qc.
to lament sb./sth.
lamentare qn./qc.
to manage sth./sb.
gestire qc./qn.
to owe sth.
dovere qc.
to paint (sth.) [also fig.]
dipingere (qc.) [anche fig.]
to peal sth.
sbucciare qc.
to sight sb./sth.
avvistare qn./qc.
to sustain sth. [suffer sth.]
sostenere qc.
to swallow sth.
ingoiare qc.
to treat sb./sth.
trattare qn./qc.
to understand sth.
capire qc. [cogliere il senso]
to use sth.
utilizzare qc.
to wash sth.
lavare qc.
to wear sth.
vestire qc.
mettere qc. [portare]vest.
overhaul sth. [overtake]
superare qc.traff.
to abolish sth.
abolire qc.
to abrade sth.
eradere qc.
to abrogate sth.
abolire qc.
to accept sth. [put up with]
farsi una ragione di qc.
to accomodate sb./sth. [host]
accogliere qn./qc.
to accomplish sth.
compiere qc.
to account sth. [explain sth.]
spiegare qc.
to accumulate sth.
accumulare qc.
to acknowledge sth.
riconoscere qc.
to acknowledge sth. [admit]
ammettere qc. [colpa, errore, fatto]
to acquire sth.
acquisire qc.
to act sth. [role]
fare qc. [ruolo]teatro
to adjust sth.
regolare qc. [tarare]tec.
to admit sb./sth.
ammettere qn./qc.
to admit sb./sth. [let in]
accogliere qn./qc. [lasciar entrare]
to admit sth.
dire qc. [ammettere]
to adorn sth.
adornare qc.
addobbare qc.
to adulterate sth. [foodstuffs, drugs, spirits, etc.]
annacquare qc.aliment.gastr.stupef.
to advocate sb./sth.
difendere qn./qc.
to aim sth.
puntare qc. [arma]armi
to allocate sth.
assegnare qc.
to allot sth.
assegnare qc.
to allow sth.
consentire qc.
ammettere qc. [permettere]
to allow sth. [permit sth.]
permettere qc.
to alter sth.
alterare qc.
to amend sth.
rettificare qc.
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