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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: white
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English-Italian Dictionary: white

ADJ   white | whiter | whitest
NOUN   a white | whites
bianco {adj}
pure white
candido {adj} [bianchissimo]
snow white
candido {adj} [bianchissimo]
white corpuscles
globuli {m.pl} bianchibiol.med.
white dwarf
nana {f} biancaastron.
white goods [Br.]
elettrodomestici {m.pl}econ.
white sauce
besciamella {f}gastr.
white spirit [Br.]
acquaragia {f} mineralechim.
white wine
vino {m} biancoenol.gastr.
white wine sauce
salsa {f} di vino biancogastr.
white wine vinegar
aceto {m} biancogastr.
to vote sb. into the White House
eleggere qn. alla Casa Biancapol.
Snow White
Biancaneve {f}lett.F
(white-tailed) laurel pigeon
colomba {f} dei lauri [Columba junoniae]orn.T
black-and-white spitting cobra
cobra {m} sputatore indo-cinese [Naja siamensis]zool.T
great white shark
grande squalo {m} bianco [Carcharodon carcharias]ittiol.T
green-veined white [butterfly]
pieride {f} del navone [Pieris napi]entom.T
red-and-white crake
rallo {m} biancorosso [Laterallus leucopyrrhus]orn.T
white breasted marten
faina {f} [Martes foina]zool.T
white cabbage
cavolo {m} cappucciobot.gastr.T
white cockatoo
cacatua {m} bianco [Cacatua alba]orn.T
white death
grande squalo {m} bianco [Carcharodon carcharias]ittiol.T
white fox
volpe {f} polare [Alopex lagopus]zool.T
white pointer
grande squalo {m} bianco [Carcharodon carcharias]ittiol.T
white scavenger vulture
capovaccaio {m} [Neophron percnopterus]orn.T
white stonecrop
borracina {f} bianca [Sedum album]bot.T
white stork
cicogna {f} bianca [Ciconia ciconia]orn.T
white wagtail
ballerina {f} bianca [Motacilla alba]orn.T
white-backed thrush
tordo {m} dorsobianco [Turdus kessleri]orn.T
white-backed woodpecker
picchio {m} dorsobianco [Dendrocopos leucotos]orn.T
white-bellied stork
cicogna {f} ventrebianco [Ciconia abdimii]orn.T
white-billed diver [Br.]
strolaga {f} beccogiallo [Gavia adamsii]orn.T
white-browed coucal
cucal {m} dai sopraccigli bianchi [Centropus superciliosus]orn.T
white-cheeked bullfinch
ciuffolotto {m} filippino [Pyrrhula leucogenis]orn.T
ciuffolotto {m} guancebianche [Pyrrhula leucogenis]orn.T
white-chested bear
orso {m} tibetano [Ursus thibetanus]zool.T
white-collared mangabey
cercocebo {m} dal collare [Cercocebus torquatus]zool.T
white-eyed gull
gabbiano {m} occhibianchi [Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus, syn.: Larus leucophthalmus]orn.T
white-eyed kestrel
gheppio {m} maggiore [Falco rupicoloides]orn.T
white-fronted scops owl
assiolo {m} frontebianca [Otus sagittatus]orn.T
white-headed marmoset
uistitì {m} [inv.] di Geoffroy [Callithrix geoffroyi]zool.T
white-legged damselfly
zampalarga {f} comune [Platycnemis pennipes]entom.T
white-lipped tamarin
tamarino {m} labiato [Saguinus labiatus]zool.T
tamarino {m} dal ventre rosso [Saguinus labiatus]zool.T
white-mouthed mamba
mamba {m} verde orientale [Dendroaspis angusticeps]zool.T
mamba {m} dalla testa stretta [Dendroaspis angusticeps]zool.T
white-rumped sandpiper
gambecchio {m} di Bonaparte [Calidris fuscicollis]orn.T
white-throated dipper
merlo {m} acquaiolo [Cinclus cinclus]orn.T
white-throated hawk
poiana {f} golabianca [Buteo albigula]orn.T
white-winged (black) tern
mignattino {m} alibianche [Chlidonias leucopterus]orn.T
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