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Dictionarium latino-anglicum

BETA Latin-English translation for: full
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English-Latin Dictionary: full

plenus {adj}
repletus {adj}
frequens {adj}
germanus {adj}
full brother
germanus {m}
full sister
germana {f}
at full length
plenus {adj}
full of action
gestuosus {adj}
full of activity
actuosus {adj}
full of blood
sanguinolentus {adj}
full of caverns
speluncosus {adj}
full of caves
speluncosus {adj}
full of clamor [Am.]
clamosus {adj}
full of clamour [Br.]
clamosus {adj}
full of corners
angulosus {adj}
full of discord
seditiosus {adj}
full of disturbance
perturbidus {adj}
full of eddies
verticosus {adj}
vorticosus {adj}
full of fancies
imaginosus {adj}
full of foliage
nemorosus {adj}
full of forks
furcosus {adj}
full of freckles
lentiginosus {adj}
full of gestures
gestuosus {adj}
full of gravel
glareosus {adj}
full of joy
gaudivigens {adj}
full of juice
ebriosus {adj}
full of knots
ulcerosus {adj}
full of labor
operosus {adj}
full of life
vividus {adj}
full of light
luminosus {adj}
full of marrow
medullosus {adj}
full of moisture
uliginosus {adj}
full of natron
nitrosus {adj}chem.
full of noise
clamosus {adj}
full of sand
sabulosus {adj}
full of scales
squamosus {adj}
full of shallows
vadosus {adj}
full of smoke
fumeus {adj}
fumidus {adj}
full of sores
ulcerosus {adj}
full of spots [postpos.]
maculosus {adj}
full of suspicion
suspiciosus {adj}
full of water
aquilentus {adj}
full of whirlpools
vorticosus {adj}
verticosus {adj}
full of wine
vinosus {adj}oenol.
full of woods
nemorosus {adj}
having full power
plenipotens {adj}
possessing full power
plenipotens {adj}
full of dilated veins
varicosus {adj}
full of ill omens
abominosus {adj}
full of spider webs
araneosus {adj}
I am in full possession of my reason and senses.
Sane sapio et sentio.
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