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Dicionário Inglês-Português

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BETA! This vocabulary is currently being built up from scratch. We need your help: Please review or record entries!
« backPage 1 for words starting with Z in the English-Portuguese dictionary 
ZambiaZâmbia {f} <.zm>
zebrazebra {f}
ZeusZeus {m}
ZimbabweZimbábue {m} <.zw>
ZimbabweZimbabwe {m} <.zw>
zinc <Zn>zinco {m} <Zn>
zinc chloridecloreto {m} de zinco [ZnCl2]
zinc chromatecromato {m} de zinco [ZnCrO4]
zinc fluoridefluoreto {m} de zinco [ZnF2]
zinc nitratenitrato {m} de zinco [Zn(NO3)2]
zinc sulfate [Am.]sulfato {m} de zinco [ZnSO4]
zinc sulphate [Br.]sulfato {m} de zinco [ZnSO4]
Zionismsionismo {m}
zipper [Am.]zíper {m}
zirconium <Zr>zircônio {m} <Zr> [Bras.]
zirconium <Zr>zircónio {m} <Zr> [Port.]
zombiezumbi {m}
zoo [short for: zoological garden]zoológico {m} [Abrev. de: jardim zoológico]
zoological gardenjardim {m} zoológico
zoologistzoólogo {m}
zoologist [female]zoóloga {f}
zoonosiszoonose {f}
Zoroastrianismzoroastrismo {m}
Zwinglianismzwinglianismo {m}
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Portuguese-English dictionary (Dicionário Inglês-Português) developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
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