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a[neurčitý člen]
a / the gents {sg} [Br.] [coll.]pánske toalety {pl}
a / the gents {sg} [Br.] [coll.]pánske záchody {pl}
a / the ladies [Br.] [coll.]dámska toaleta {f} [záchod]
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.Lepší vrabec v hrsti ako holub na streche.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.Lepší vrabec v hrsti ako zajac v chrasti.
a bitkúsok
a bitkúštik
a bitmáličičko
a bitmáličko
a bitmálilinko
a bitmálinko
a bittrocha
a bittrochu
a bittroška
a bittrošku
a bit of a ... [Br.] [coll.] [rather a...]tak trochu ...
a bite (to eat) [coll.]niečo pod zub
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]fúra [+gen.] [ľud.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]hŕba [+gen.] [ľud.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]hromada [+gen.] [ľud.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]kopa [+gen.] [ľud.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]kopec [+gen.] [ľud.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]more [+gen.] [ľud.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]plno [+gen.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]spústa [+gen.] [ľud.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]vagón [+gen.] [ľud.]
a bunch of [Am.] [coll.]veľa [+gen.]
to a certain extentdo istej miery
to a certain extentdo určitej miery
a couple ofzopár
a couple of timespárkrát
a dog on the loosevoľne pobehujúci pes {m}
A double flat <Abb>asas {n}
a dream come truesplnený sen {m}
A drowning man will clutch at a straw.Topiaci sa (aj) slamky chytá.
a fair amount of moneyznačná suma {f} peňazí
a fair amount of sth.značné množstvo {n} n-čoho
to a fare-thee-well [idiom]dokonale
to a fare-thee-well [idiom]perfektne
a fewniekoľko
a fewzopár
a few timesniekoľko ráz
a few timesniekoľkokrát
a few timespárkrát
a first [something new]niečo nové
A fish rots from the head down.Ryba smrdí od hlavy.
A flat <A♭>as {n} <A♭>
A friend in need is a friend indeed.V núdzi poznáš priateľa.
a good dealdosť [značne]
a good dealporiadne veľa
a good dealvýrazne
a good dealznačne
a good deal offúra [+gen.] [ľud.]
a good deal ofhŕba [+gen.] [ľud.]
a good deal ofhromada [+gen.] [ľud.]
a good deal ofkopa [+gen.] [ľud.]
a good deal ofkopec [+gen.] [ľud.]
a good deal ofmnoho [+gen.]
a good deal ofmore [+gen.] [ľud.]
a good deal ofplno [+gen.]
a good deal ofspústa [+gen.] [ľud.]
a good deal ofvagón [+gen.] [ľud.]
a good deal ofveľa [+gen.]
A good servant must have good wages. [idiom]Aká práca, taká pláca. [idióm]
a great dealdosť [značne]
a great dealporiadne veľa
a great dealveľmi mnoho
a great dealveľmi veľa
a great dealvýrazne
a great dealznačne
a handful of peoplepár ľudí
a handful of sb./sth.hŕstka {f} n-ho/ n-čoho
a handful of sth.hrsť {f} n-čoho
a heck of a [+ adj.]čertovsky [+ príd. meno]
a heck of a [+ adj.]poriadne [+ príd. meno]
a heck of a [+ adj.]sakramentsky [+ príd. meno] [ľud.]
a heck of a [+ noun]čertovský [+ podst. meno]
a heck of a [+ noun]poriadny [+ podst. meno]
a heck of a [+ noun]sakramentský [+ podst. meno] [ľud.]
a heck of a good guysakramentsky dobrý chlapík {m} [ľud.]
a heck of a guysakramentský chlapík {m} [ľud.]
a hoot [coll.]psina {f} [zábava]
a hoot [coll.]sranda {f} [ľud.]
a hoot [coll.]veselá kopa {f} [zábavný človek]
a hoot [coll.]zábava {f}
a hoot and a half [coll.] [idiom]bohovská prča {f} [ľud.]
a hoot and a half [coll.] [idiom]náramná psina {f} [veľká zábava]
a hoot and a half [coll.] [idiom]ohromná sranda {f} [ľud.]
a hoot and a half [coll.] [idiom] [of a person]veselá kopa {f} [veľmi zábavný človek]
a host offúra [+gen.] [ľud.]
a host ofhŕba [+gen.] [ľud.]
a host ofhromada [+gen.] [ľud.]
a host ofkopa [+gen.] [ľud.]
a host ofkopec [+gen.] [ľud.]
a host ofmnoho [+gen.]
a host ofmore [+gen.] [ľud.]
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