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H-bombbomba {f} H
haberdashery [Am.] [store]tienda {f} de ropa de caballeros
habit [custom]costumbre {f}
habitabilityhabitabilidad {f}
habitationvivienda {f}
hack [coll.] [pej.] [inferior female journalist]escritorzuela {f} [col.] [pey.]
hack [coll.] [pej.] [inferior male journalist]escritorzuelo {m} [col.] [pey.]
to hack sb./sth. [chop with axe]machetear a-algn/algo
to hack sth.hackear algo
hacksawsierra {f} para metales
haddockabadejo {m}
haddockeglefino {m}
haematology [Br.]hematología {f}
haematoma [Br.]hematoma {m}
haematuria [Br.]hematuria {f}
haemogram [Br.]hemograma {m}
haemopoiesis [Br.]hematopoyesis {f}
haemorrhage [Br.]hemorragia {f}
haemorrhagic [Br.]hemorrágico
haemorrhoids [Br.]hemorroides {f.pl}
hafnium <Hf>hafnio {m} <Hf>
hafnium dioxidedióxido {m} de hafnio [HfO2]
hafnium(IV) chloridecloruro {m} de hafnio(IV) [HfCl4]
hafnium(IV) oxideóxido {m} de hafnio(IV) [HfO2]
haggis[embutido de visceras de cordero]
to haggleregatear
haggling [bargaining]regateo {m} [negociar a la baja]
to hailcaer granizo
to hailgranizar
hailgranizo {m}
hailpedrisco {m}
hail [great amount of bullets, missiles]lluvia {f} [abundancia de balas, misiles]
to hail a taxillamar a un taxi
hailstonegranizo {m}
hailstormgranizada {f}
hailstormpedrisco {m}
Hainan hareliebre {f} de Hainan [Lepus hainanus]
haircabello {m}
hairpelo {m}
hair [on body]vello {m}
hair cellcélula {f} pilosa
hair color [Am.]color {m} del pelo
hair colour [Br.]color {m} del pelo
hair conditioneracondicionador {m} de pelo
hair dryersecador {m}
hair dryersecador {m} de pelo
hair dyecolor {m} del pelo
hair dyetinte {m} para el pelo
hair gelgomina {f}
hair restorercrecepelo {m}
hair sievecolador {m} extrafino
hair tiecoletero {m}
hairbanddiadema {f}
hairbrushcepillo {m} de pelo
hairdresserpeluquero {m}
hairdresser [female]peluquera {f}
hairdresser's shoppeluquería {f}
hairdresser's wrapperpeinador {m} [ropa]
hairlesssin pelo
hairnetredecilla {f}
hairpinhorquilla {f} [pelo]
hairspraylaca {f} (para el pelo)
hairtiegoma {f} de pelo [esp.]
hairy [coll.] [hazardous]peliagudo
hairy [with excessive hair]peludo
hairy [with hair]velludo
hairy long-nosed armadilloquirquincho {m} peludo [Dasypus pilosus]
hairy long-nosed armadillotatú {m} peludo [Dasypus pilosus]
hairy-footed flying squirrelardilla {f} voladora de patas peludas [Belomys pearsonii]
HaitiHaití {m}
hakemerluza {f}
halazepamhalazepam {m} [C17H12ClF3N2O]
halberdieralabardero {m}
half <hf.>mitad {f}
half a dozenmedia docena {f}
Half a loaf is better than none.A falta de pan, buenas son (las) tortas.
half as wellla mitad de bien
half stepsemitono {m}
half-brotherhermanastro {m}
to half-close [eyes]entornarse [ojos]
to half-close one's eyesentornar los ojos
half-heartedlya medias
half-lifesemivida {f}
half-sisterhermanastra {f}
half-time scoretanteo {m} del medio tiempo
half-wit [coll.]garrulo [tonto] [esp.] [Almería] [col.]
halfwaya medias
halfwaya medio camino
halfway down the hilla mitad de camino ladera abajo
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