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W.C. [Br.] [water closet]váter {m}
wacko [Am.] [attr.] [coll.] [pej.] [insane]pirado [col.] [pey.]
wacko [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [insane male] [also: whacko]pirado {m} [col.] [pey.]
wacko [Am.] [sl.] [pej.]chiflado {m} [col.] [pey.]
wacko [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] [female]chiflada {f} [col.] [pey.]
wad [handful]fajo {m} [puñado]
waddingguata {f} [lámina de algodón]
to wade across sth.vadear algo
waferoblea {f}
wafflegofre {m} [esp.]
to wag its tail [dog]sacudirse el rabo
wagesueldo {m}
wage [salary]salario {m}
wage earnerasalariado {m}
wagerapuesta {f}
to wagglebambolearse
wagglebamboleo {m}
wailgemido {m}
to wailgemir
waistcintura {f}
waistbandcinturilla {f}
waistcoat [Br.]chaleco {m}
to waitesperar
to wait for sb./sth.aguardar a-algn/algo
to wait for sb./sth.esperar a-algn/algo
to wait until sb./sth. does sth.dejar que algn/algo haga algo [esperar]
Wait, prepare yourself, be patient.Aún no tienes alas y ya quieres volar. [mex.]
Wait!¡Peraté! [¡Espera!] [col.] [mex.]
waitercamarero {m}
waitermesero {m}
waitermozo {m} [sur.] [col.]
waiting listlista {f} de espera
waiting roomsala {f} de espera
waitresscamarera {f}
waitressmesera {f} [camarera] [am.]
wakeestela {f}
wake [for the deceased]velatorio {m} [velar un difunto]
to wake sb.despertar a algn
to wake sb. updespertar a algn
to wake updespertarse
to wake up [to begin the day]amanecer [despertarse]
to wake up on the wrong side of the bed [Am.] [coll.]no tener el chichi para farolillos [esp.] [col.]
wakizashiwakizashi {m}
walaychowalaycho {m}
Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia [Br.]macroglobulinemia {f} de Waldenström
Waldenström's macroglobulinemia [Am.]macroglobulinemia {f} de Waldenström
waleborda {f}
wale [beam, plank]riostra {f}
Wales {sg}Gales {m.pl}
to walkcaminar
to walkir (a pie)
walkpaseo {m}
walk [stroll, hike]caminata {f}
to walk (sth.)andar (algo)
to walk around [idiom]andar por ahí [locución]
to walk awayirse
to walk on tiptoe(s)andar de puntillas
to walk sb. to a placeacompañar a algn a un lugar
to walk the dogpasear al perro
walkercaminante {m}
walker [female]caminante {f}
walkie-talkiewalkie-talkie {m} [transmisor-receptor portátil]
walking bootbota {f} de trekking
walking stick [cane]bastón {m} [para caminar]
walkwayacera {f}
wallmuro {m}
wallpared {f}
wall cupboardalacena {f}
wall germanderzamarrilla {f} de los muros [Teucrium chamaedrys]
wall lampaplique {m} [lámpara]
wall lightaplique {m} [lámpara]
wall socketenchufe {m} [hembra]
to wall sth. inamurallar algo
to wall sth. in / uptapiar algo
to wall sth. upamurallar algo
wallcreepertreparriscos {m} [Tichodroma muraria] [también: (pájaro) arañero]
walletbilletera {f}
walletcartera {f}
walletmonedero {m}
wallet [Br.]billetero {m} [cartera]
wallfloweralhelí {m} [Erysimum cheiri, syn. Cheiranthus cheiri]
Walloonvalón {m}
Walloon [female]valona {f}
wallop [Br.] [coll.]caña {f} [esp.] [col.]
wallop [Br.] [sl.] [beer]cerveza {f}
wallop [coll.] [heavy blow]golpetazo {m}
to wallop sb./sth. [coll.]dar una paliza a-algn/algo
wallpaperpapel {m} tapiz
wally [Br.] [sl.] [pej.] [idiot]idiota {m}
walnutnuez {f}
walnut treenogal {m}
walrusmorsa {f}
wan [action: feeble]flojo
wan [espression: weary]lánguido
wan [pallid]pálido
wandvarita {f}
wand [thin rod / stick]vara {f}
to wanderdeambular
to wandervagar
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