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Y-chromosomecromosoma {m} Y
yachtyate {m}
to yack [coll.] [pej.]hablar como una cotorra [col.] [pey.]
yalecentícora {f} [también : eale]
yaleeale {f} [también : centícora]
yale lockcerradura {f} de tambor
Yalta Conferenceconferencia {f} de Yalta [1945]
yamñame {m}
Yamato periodperiodo {m} Yamato
yank [tug, pull]tirón {m} [jalón]
yard <yd>yarda {f}
yariyari {m}
yawbandazo {m}
yawguiñada {f}
to yawnbostezar
yawnbostezo {m}
Yeah, right!¡Qué jeta! [Costa Rica] [cent.] [col.]
yearaño {m}
yearbookanuario {m}
yearlingañal {m}
yearling [horse]tusón {m}
yearling sheepborrego {m}
yearling sheep [female]borrega {f}
to yearn for sb./sth.añorar a-algn/algo
to yearn sth.anhelar algo
yearning[el] ansia {f}
yearninganhelación {f}
yearning [attr.]anhelante
yeastlevadura {f}
yeast extractextracto {m} de levadura
yelkouan shearwater [also: Levantine / Mediterranean shearwater]pardela {f} mediterránea [Puffinus yelkouan]
yellalarido {m} [fig.] [grito fuerte]
to yellgritar
yellgrito {m}
to yellvociferar
yellowamarillo {m}
yellow [coll.] [cowardly]cobarde
yellow anacondaanaconda {f} amarilla [Eunectes notaeus]
yellow cobracobra {f} del Cabo [Naja nivea]
yellow fevervómito {m} negro
yellow flaxlino {m} amarillo [Linum flavum]
yellow mignonettereseda {f} (amarilla) [Reseda lutea]
yellow mongoosemangosta {f} amarilla [Cynictis penicillata]
yellow mongoosemangosta {f} de cola gruesa [Cynictis penicillata]
yellow nutsedge [Cyperus esculentus]chufa {f}
yellow polka-dotamarillo a topos
yellow railpolluela {f} amarillenta [Coturnicops noveboracensis]
Yellow suits you fantastically!¡Hay que ver lo bien que te sienta el amarillo!
yellow-bellied [coll.] [pej.] [cowardly]cobarde
yellow-bellied marmotmarmota {f} de vientre amarillo [Marmota flaviventris]
yellow-bellied toadsapillo {m} de vientre amarillo [Bombina variegata]
yellow-bellied toadsapo {m} de vientre amarillo [Bombina variegata]
yellow-bellied weaselcomadreja {f} de vientre amarillo [Mustela kathiah]
yellow-billed cuckoocuclillo {m} piquigualdo [Coccyzus americanus]
yellow-billed loon [Am.]colimbo {m} de Adams [Gavia adamsii]
yellow-breasted buntingescribano {m} aureolado [Emberiza aureola]
yellow-browed toucanettucanete {m} del Huallaga [Aulacorhynchus huallagae]
yellow-crowned euphoniaeufonia {f} coroniamarilla [Euphonia luteicapilla]
yellow-eared toucanettucancillo {m} orejiamarillo [Selenidera spectabilis]
yellow-eared toucanettucancito {m} negro [Selenidera spectabilis]
yellow-eyed penguinpingüino {m} de ojo amarillo [Megadyptes antipodes]
yellow-eyed penguinpingüino {m} ojigualdo [Megadyptes antipodes]
yellow-footed gullgaviota {f} de Cortés [Larus livens]
yellow-footed gullgaviota {f} pata amarilla [Larus livens]
yellow-footed rock-wallabywalabí {m} de las rocas de patas amarillas [Petrogale xanthopus]
yellow-headed wagtaillavandera {f} cetrina [Motacilla citreola]
yellow-legged gullgaviota {f} patiamarilla [Larus michahellis]
yellow-lored amazonamazona {f} yucateca [Amazona xantholora]
yellow-lored amazonloro {m} yucateco [Amazona xantholora]
yellow-lored parrotamazona {f} yucateca [Amazona xantholora]
yellow-lored parrotloro {m} yucateco [Amazona xantholora]
yellow-margined tortoisetortuga {f} de Mapimí [Gopherus flavomarginatus]
yellow-margined tortoisetortuga {f} mexicana [Gopherus flavomarginatus]
yellow-spotted ringlet [butterfly]montañesa {f} uniforme [Erebia manto] [mariposa diurna]
yellow-throated cuckoocuclillo {m} gorgigualdo [Chrysococcyx flavigularis]
yellowhammerescribano {m} cerillo [Emberiza citrinella]
Yes, exactly.Tal qual. [Venezuela] [col.]
yesterday afternoon / eveningayer por la tarde
Yesterday I got up late.Ayer me levanté tarde.
Yesterday I had a bad headache.Ayer tuve un dolor de cabeza terrible.
yesterday morningayer por la mañana
yesteryear [literary]el ayer {m} [tiempos pasados] [literario]
yew (tree / wood)tejo {m}
yid [sl.] [pej.] [female Jew]judía {f}
yid [sl.] [pej.] [Jew]judío {f}
Yiddishyiddish {m}
yieldganancia {f}
yieldrédito {m}
yieldrendimiento {m} [rédito]
to yield to sb./sth.plegarse a algn/algo [someterse]
yo-yoyoyó {m} [también: yoyo]
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