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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: one's
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English-Spanish Dictionary: one's

PRON  one | one | one's
un {adj}
uno {m}
to shoot [Am.] [coll.] [take one's turn at pool, darts etc.]
ochenta y uno
cincuenta y uno
cuarenta y uno
noventa y uno
no one [Am.]
nadie {pron}
no-one [Br.]
nadie {pron}
manco {adj} [de un brazo]
unidimensional {adj}
tuerto {adj} [de solo un ojo]
one-off [Br.] [coll.] [chance, payment, etc.]
excepcional {adj} [oportunidad, pago etc.]
one-person [attr.]
unipersonal {adj}
one-piece [attr.]
enterizo {adj} [de una pieza]
setenta y uno
sesenta y uno
treinta y uno
one can [one is able to]
se puede
as one pleases [idiom]
a su antojo {adv} [locución]
at one's leisure
a sus anchas {adv}
in one go [coll.] [idiom] [all at once]
de un tirón {adv} [col.] [locución] [también : del tirón]
One could hear ...
Se oía ...
one hundred thousand
cien mil
to achieve one's dreams
alcanzar sus sueños
to blow one's nose
sonarse la nariz
limpiarse la nariz
to bow one's head
achaparrarse la cabeza [agocharse] [mex.]
to break one's back
partirse el espinazoloc.
to broaden one's horizons
abrir sus horizontes
to brush one's hair
peinarse [con cepillo]
to brush one's teeth
cepillarse los dientes
to cast one's vote
emitir su votopol.
to change one's clothes
mudarse [ropa]
to change one's mind
cambiar de idea
cambiar de opinión
to clean one's teeth
limpiarse los dientes
to clear one's throat
to clench one's fists [idiom]
apretar los puños [locución]
to clench one's teeth [idiom]
apretar los dientes [locución]
to click one's tongue
chascar la lengua
chasquear la lengua
to cluck one's tongue
chasquear la lengua
to comb one's hair
peinarse [con peine]
to complement one another
to cover one's ears
taparse los oídos
to cross one's fingers
hacer chonguitos {m.pl} [cruzarse de dedos] [mex.] [col.]
to draw sb./sth. towards one
atraer a-algn/algo hacia sí
to dry one's eyes
enjugarse los ojos
to expand one's horizons
abrir sus horizontesloc.
to find one's bearings
orientarse [arreglárselas]
to flip one's lid [coll.] [idiom]
poner el grito en el cielo [col.] [locución]
to follow one's gut [coll.]
seguir su instinto
to get one's balance
to get one's revenge
tomarse la revancha
to give one's opinion
emitir su opinión
to give sb. one's hand [idiom]
darle la mano a algn [locución]
to gnash one's teeth
rechinar los dientes
to grind one's teeth
rechinar los dientes
to hang one's head
agachar la cabeza
to have one's period
estar con la menstruaciónmed.
to imprint one's sth. on sth.
dejar su huella en algo
to increase one's pace
apretar el paso
to knot one's tie
anudarse la corbataindum.
to lower one's voice
bajar el tono
to nod one's head [in agreement]
asentir con la cabeza
to organize one's life
to pick one's nose
hurgarse la nariz
to ply one's trade
ejercer su oficioprof.
to pound one's ear [coll.] [sleep]
planchar la oreja [col.] [locución] [dormir]
to pucker one's lips
fruncir los labios
to purse one's lips
fruncir los labios
to quench one's thirst
saciar su sed
to retrace one's steps [idiom]
desandar el camino
to rub one's knuckles
restregarse los nudillos
to shake one's head [negatively]
negar con la cabeza
to shrug one's shoulders
encogerse de hombros
to slur one's words
arrastrar las palabras
to snap one's fingers
chasquear los dedos
to sprain one's ankle
hacerse un esguince en el tobillomed.
to stamp (one's feet)
patalear [con enfado]
to stand one's ground [fig.] [resist aggression]
plantarse [fig.] [resistirse]
to stuff one's face [coll.] [idiom] [eat greedily]
henchirse [llenarse de comida]
to take one's medicine
tomarse su medicinafarm.med.
to take one's time
tardar lo suyo
to tap one's heels
taconear [golpear con el talón]
to tighten one's belt [fig.]
apretarse el cinturón [fig.]
to twiddle one's thumbs [coll.] [idiom] [be idle, pass time]
cruzarse de brazos [locución]
to unveil one's face
descubrirse la cara
to vail one's hat [out of respect]
quitarse el sombrero [de respeto]
to waste one's time
cazar moscas [locución]
to wiggle one's hips
to wiggle one's nose
menear la nariz
to wrench one's ankle
torcerse el tobillomed.
Formula One / 1
Fórmula {f} Unoautomov.dep.
one litre beer
caguama {noun} [una cerveza de 1 litro] [col.] [mex.]
one-man band
hombre {m} orquestamús.
one-way street
calle {f} de sentido únicotrá.
one-way ticket
billete {m} sencillotransp.
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