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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: up
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English-Spanish Dictionary: up

NOUN   up | -
VERB  to up | upped | upped
upping | ups
[para] arriba {adv}
Cheer up! [idiom]
¡Arriba el ánimo! [locución]
¡Levanta el ánimo! [locución]
curled up [e.g. in bed]
acurrucado {adj}
curled up [postpos.]
enroscado {adj} {past-p} [acurrucado]
effed up [sl.] [vulg.]
focoot [también: focop] [cent.] [Panamá] [col.]
full (up)
lleno {adj}
Get up!
heaped (up)
amontonado {adj} {past-p}
Hurry up!
¡Date prisa!
keyed up [excited]
intrigado {adj} {past-p}
made-up [wearing makeup]
paired up
emparejado {adj} {past-p}
pent up [confined] [as adj: pent-up]
confinado {adj} {past-p}
pent up [repressed] [as adj: pent-up]
reprimido {adj} {past-p}
rolled up [e.g. sleeves]
arremangado {adj} {past-p}indum.
Shut up! [Be quiet!]
steamed-up [e.g. glass]
empañado {adj}
stuck-up [coll.] [pretentious]
repipi {adj} [col.] [cursi]
tied (up)
atado {adj} {past-p}
What's up? [Am.] [coll.]
¡Habla, causa! [Perú] [Lima] [col.]
¿Qué bolaita? [carib.] [Cuba] [col.]
what's up? [Am.] [coll.] [sl.]
¿Qué Pedro Pablo? [¿cómo te va?] [mex.] [Distrito Federal] [col.]
What's up? [coll.]
¿Qué tal?
¿Qué m'iche? [Costa Rica] [cent.] [col.]
What's up? [coll.] [sl.]
¿Qué lo qué? [carib.] [Republica Dominicana] [col.]
to add (sth.) (up)
sumar (algo)mat.
to back up [data]
hacer copias de respaldo
to block sth. (up)
atascar algo
to blow sth. up [explode]
volar algo [hacer explotar]
to board sth. up
atrancar algo [con tablas]
to box sth. up
embalar algo [empaquetar]
to break up
to bring sth. up [idiom] [consider, include]
traer algo a la palestra [locución]
to brisk sth. up [make livelier or faster]
activar algo
to button sth. up
abotonar algo
to chain sb./sth. up
encadenar a-algn/algo
to cheer sb. up
refocilar algn
to cheer up
to clear up
to climb (up) (sth.)
trepar (a / por) (algo)
to cover sb./sth. (up) [to protect from cold]
arropar a-algn/algo [proteger del frío]
to crack up [coll.] [idiom] [laugh uncontrollably]
partirse de risa [col.] [locución]
to curl up
to dig sb./sth. up [colloquially irreverent when referring to a person]
desenterrar a-algn/algo
to dish sth. (up)
servir algogastr.
to do up sth. [coll.] [button etc.]
abrocharse algo [botón etc.]
to dress sb./sth. up
disfrazar a-algn/algo
to dry sth. up
resecar algo
to dry up
to fatten sth. (up)
cebar algoagr.
to get up
alzarse [ponerse en pie]
to give up [cease]
to give up [concede defeat]
to give up [surrender, relinquish]
to grow (up)
to heat sth. (up)
calentar algo
to heat up sth.
acalorar algo
to hold sb./sth. up [slow sown]
rezagar a-algn/algo [dejar atrás]
to hurry up
to lap up sth. [drink by licking]
beber algo a lengüetazos
to lash sth. up
acordonar algo
to lift sth. (up)
alzar algo
to light up [also fig.] [brighten up]
iluminarse [también fig.]
to line sth. up
alinear algo [poner en línea]
to liven sb./sth. up
animar a-algn/algo [dar vida a, alegrar]
to liven up [party, person]
animarse [fiesta, persona]
to lock sb. up [imprison]
encerrar a algn [poner bajo llave]
to make sth. up [invent (story, lie, etc.)]
inventar algo
to make up sth. [constitute]
conformar algo [constituir]
to mess sth. up [coll.]
trabucar algo
to mess sth. up [coll.] [idiom] [spoil, ruin]
echar a perder algo [locución]
to mess sth. up [coll.] [make an error]
pifiar algo [col.] [cometer error]
to mist up
empañarse [cubrirse de vaho]
to pick sb. up
dar jalón a algn [recoger a algn] [cent.] [Guatemala] [col.]
to pick sth. up [which is heavy]
levantar a peso algo
to pile sth. up
apilar algo
acopiar algo
acumular algo
amontonar algo
to pile sth. up [agglomerate]
aglomerar algo
to pile sth. up [stockpile]
acaparar algo
to pile sth. up [to conglomerate]
conglomerar algo
to pile sth. up [to hoard cash etc.]
atesorar algo [reservas]
to pile up
to pile up [things]
agolparse [cosas]
to plug sth. up [pipe]
taponar algo [conducto]
to pucker up [coll.]
poner boquita de piñón [col.]
to puke sth. up [sl.]
potar algo [esp.] [col.]
to put sb. up [idiom] [accommodate]
alojar a algn
to rear up [horse]
encabritarse [caballo]
to roll sth. up
enrollar algo
to roll up sth.
arremangar algo
to save (sth. up)
ahorrar (algo)
to shoot up
chutarse [col.] [esp.]drogas
to shoot up [grow in height]
estirarse [ganar altura]
to show sb. up
poner a algn en evidencia [en ridículo]
to soap sth. (up)
enjabonar algo
to speed sth. up
acelerar algo
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