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Engelsk-svensk ordbok

Swedish-English translation for: you
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English-Swedish Dictionary: you

you [informal]
du {pron}
you {pl}
ni {pron}
you [plural direct and indirect object] [informal]
ni {pl} {pron}
Bless you! [after sneezing]
See you.
Hej så länge.
Thank you!
You're welcome! [esp. Am.; response to "Thank you".]
Ingen orsak!
Are you kidding?
Skojar du?
Do you have ... ?
Har du ... ?
How about you?
Du då?
How are you?
Hur mår du?
I hate you.
Jag hatar dig.
I love you.
Jag älskar dig.
See you (soon)!
Vi ses (snart)!
See you soon!
Hej så länge!
Would you mind ...?
Vill du vara snäll ... ?
You are welcome!
Ingen orsak.
You are welcome! [to more than one person]
You are welcome! [to one person]
Do you have ID?
Har du leg? [vard.]
How are you doing?
Hur mår du?
How old are you?
Hur gammal är du?
Nice to meet you.
Trevligt att träffas.
Thank you very much!
Tack så mycket!
The same to you.
What do you think?
Vad tycker du?
Vad tycker du (om)?
Where are you from?
Varifrån kommer du?
Varifrån kommer ni? [artig]
Where were you born?
Var är du född?
Would you like to ... ?
Skulle du vilja ... ?
You sing very well.
Du sjunger väldigt bra.mus.
You'd better watch out!
Akta dig!
as many as you want
hur många du vill
Have you ever been to ... ?
Har du någonsin varit i ... ?
Have you got a light? [for a cigarette]
Har du eld?
How do you say ... in German / English?
Hur säger man ... på tyska / engelska?
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Det var inte min mening att såra dig.
If you want to be pretty, you have to suffer. [idiom]
Vill man vara fin får man lida pin. [ordspråk]
There is nothing wrong with you.
Det är inget fel på dig.
Where did you get that?
Var har du fått det ifrån?
You are my beloved angel!
Du är min älskade ängel!
You must be out of your mind.
Du måste vara från dina sinnen!
Always do things as you oughta, add the acid to the water!
SIV-regeln {u} [best. f.] [syra in vatten]kemiordspråk
Me Before You [Thea Sharrock]
Livet efter digfilmF
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Swedish-English dictionary (Engelsk-svensk ordbok) developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
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