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French-English translation for: Ostrogradsky's
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English-French Dictionary: Ostrogradsky's

franchement {adv} [parler, s'exprimer]
[jury qui décide s'il y a motif à inculpation]
grand jury [Am.]dr.
consécutif {adj} [qui s'ensuit]
consequential [resulting]
déguisé {adj} [pour s'amuser]
in fancy dressvêt.
hermétiquement {adv} [s'exprimer]
platement {adv} [s'excuser servilement]
profondément {adv} [creuser, pénétrer, s'enfoncer]
pschitt [bruit de gaz qui s'échappe]
sobrement {adv} [s'habiller]
souple {adj} [qui sait s'adapter]
vivement {adv} [s'intéresser]
crouler [s'effondrer]
to collapse [building]
autodéterminer [aussi : s'autodéterminer]
to exercise self-determination
barboter [s'agiter dans l'eau]
to splash around [in a pool etc.]
bondir [s'indigner]
to react furiously
to hit the roof [fig.] [coll.]
craquer [fam.] [s'effondrer - institution, projet]
to founder [e.g. a project]
to be falling apart [e.g. a project]
to be on the verge of collapse [e.g. a project]
décoller [s'échapper]
to escape
décrocher [cesser de s'intéresser] [fam.]
to tune out [Am.]
to switch off [Br.]
défaillir [être près de s'évanouir]
to be about to faintméd.
to be on the verge of faintingméd.
défiler [s'additionner]
to add up [minutes]
déguerpir [fam.] [s'enfuir]
to scoot [coll.]
to scram [coll.]
to skedaddle [coll.]
to vamoose [Am.] [sl.]
to clear off [coll.] [flee]
to bugger off [Br.] [vulg.]
to scarper [Br.] [coll.] [flee]
to clear out [Am.] [coll.] [flee]
to scat [coll.] [leave, run away]
to split [coll.] [leave, run away]
to do a runner [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
to leg it [Br.] [coll.] [to run away, flee]
démarrer [fam.] [s'en aller]
to budge
démarrer [s'éloigner] [véhicule]
to move off [start]auto
déserter [s'absenter sans permission]
to go AWOLmil.
écarter [can.] [s'égarer]
to get lost
encroûter [aussi : fig.] [aussi : encrouter ou s'encroûter]
to get in a rut [also fig.]
to be stuck in a groove [also fig.]
expirer [littéraire] [s'évanouir - lueur, son]
to fadeaudiooptique
to die awayaudiooptique
folichonner [fam.] [rare] [s'amuser avec gaieté]
to make merry
fourmiller [s'agiter]
to swarm
glander [fam.] [péj.] [s'occuper futilement]
to fart about [vulg.] [pej.] [waste one's time]
to bum around [vulg.] [pej.] [waste one's time]
to do sod all [vulg.] [pej.] [waste one's time]
to piss around [vulg.] [pej.] [waste one's time]
to screw around [vulg.] [pej.] [waste one's time]
grandir [bruit: s'intensifier]
to grow louder
prendre [s'enflammer]
to catch [fire]
reprendre [s'améliorer]
to improve
to recover
to look up [improve]
to pick up [improve]
rigoler [s'amuser] [fam.]
to have fun
s'abandonner [s'épancher]
to open one's heart [fig.] [idiom]
s'accentuer [s'intensifier]
to intensify
s'accorder [s'entendre]
to get on together
s'activer [s'affairer]
to be very busy
s'allumer [s'exciter]
to be aroused
to be turned on [aroused]
s'arranger [s'améliorer] [temps, situation]
to improve [weather, situation]
to get better [weather, situation]
s'échauffer [s'exciter]
to become heated
s'éclipser [fig.] [s'en aller furtivement]
to bunk off [Br.] [coll.]
to make oneself scarce [coll.]
to creep out [exit stealthily]
to slip away [disappear stealthily]
s'emballer [s'enthousiasmer]
to get carried away [by enthusiasm]
s'embêter [fam.] [s'ennuyer]
to be bored
to get bored
to become bored
s'emboîter [s'assembler]
to interlock
to fit together
to slot together
s'emboucher [s'insérer]
to go into sth. [connect by being plugged in]tech.
s'embraser [s'exalter - âme, imagination]
to be kindled
to be set on fire
s'embraser [s'illuminer]
to be set ablaze
s'encrasser [fig.] [s'avilir]
to get one's hands dirty [idiom] [by corrupt practices]comm.dr.pol.
s'endormir [s'affaiblir - douleur]
to subsideméd.
to die downméd.
s'endormir [s'affaiblir - scrupules]
to be allayed
s'endormir [s'affaiblir - vigilance]
to slacken
s'enfermer [pour s'isoler]
to shut oneself away
s'enfouir [s'enterrer]
to bury oneself
s'enquiquiner [fam.] [s'ennuyer à mourir]
to be bored stiff [coll.] [idiom]
s'entraîner [s'encourager]
to encourage each other [e.g. a group of children]
s'étendre [s'allonger]
to lie down
s'éterniser [fam.] [s'attarder]
to stay for ages
to outstay one's welcome
s'étudier [péj.] [s'observer avec complaisance]
to admire oneself
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