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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: arracher
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English-French Dictionary: arracher

arracher qc. [dent]
to pull sth. [take out]
arracher qc. [des mains]
to snatch sth.
arracher qc. [affiche]
to tear sth. down
arracher qc. [arbre]
to uproot sth.
arracher qc. [bandeau, masque]
to tear sth. off
arracher qc. [légumes]
to dig up sth.
arracher qc. [page]
to rip out sth.
arracher qc. [toit, tuiles]
to rip sth. off
s'arracher qc.
to fight over sth.
arracher qc. à qn. [compromis]
to force sth. out of sb.
arracher qc. à qn. [consentement, confession]
to extract sth. from sb.
arracher qc. à qn. [sourire]
to get sth. from sb.
arracher qc. à qn./qc.
to wrest sth. from sb./sth.
arracher qn. à qc. [rêve, torpeur, pensées]
to rouse sb. from sth.
arracher qn. à qc. [travail]
to drag sb. away from sth.
arracher qn./qc. de qn./qc.
to snatch sb./sth. from sb./sth.
s'arracher à qc. [pensées, rêverie]
to rouse oneself from sth.
s'arracher à qc. [travail, occupation]
to tear oneself away from sth.
arracher qn. au sommeil
to awake sb. (from sleep)
arracher une dent
to draw a toothdent.
to extract a toothdent.
to pull (out) a toothdent.
s'arracher les cheveux [fig.]
to tear one's hair (out) [fig.]
arracher les mauvaises herbes
to weed
arracher les yeux à qn. [loc.]
to claw out sb.'s eyes [idiom]
to scratch sb.'s eyes out [idiom]
arracher les yeux de qn. [loc.]
to claw out sb.'s eyes [idiom]
to scratch sb.'s eyes out [idiom]
arracher les yeux de qn. [loc.] [punir]
to skin sb. alive [idiom] [punish]
arracher qc. des mains de qn.
to snatch sth. out of sb.'s hands
arracher qn. à la misère
to rescue sb from poverty
arracher qn. à la mort
to snatch sb. from the jaws of death [idiom]
arracher un aveu à qn.
to extract a confession from sb.dr.
arracher une promesse à qn.
to extort a promise from sb.
arracher qn. des griffes de la mort [loc.]
to snatch sb. out of the jaws of death [idiom]
s'arracher les poils du nez
to pluck the hairs from one's nose
se faire arracher une dent
to have a tooth outdent.
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