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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: autour
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English-French Dictionary: autour

autour {adv}
autour {m}
autour de {prep}
tout autour {adv}
all around
graviter autour de qc.
to orbit around sth.astron.phys.
nouer qc. autour de qc.
to tie sth. round sth. [Br.]
to tie sth. around sth. [Am.]
rôder autour de qn.
to hang around sb.
s'affairer autour de qn.
to fuss over sb.
s'articuler autour de qc. [idées, thème]
to be based on sth.
s'empresser autour de qn.
to make a fuss over sb.
se répartir autour qc.
to spread out around sth.
tourner autour de qc. [avion]
to circle sth.aviat.
tourner autour de qc. [effectifs, somme d'argent]
to be (somewhere) in the region of sth.
to be around sth. [e.g. sum of money]
tourner autour de qc. [planète, étoile]
to revolve around sth.astron.
tourner autour de qn. [pour séduire]
to hang around sb. [attempting to woo]
voler autour de qn./qc.
to fly around sb./sth.
voltiger autour de qn./qc. [insecte, oiseau]
to buzz around sb./sth.entom.orn.
étau {m} (autour de qn./qc.) [fig.]
stranglehold (on sb./sth.)
autour de deux heures {adv} [dans l'avenir]
around two (o'clock)
faire cercle autour de qn.
to gather around sb.
rôder autour d'une maison
to prowl around a house
s'asseoir autour d'une table
to get round the table
se masser autour de qn./qc.
to throng around sb./sth.
se presser autour de qn./qc.
to swarm around sb./sth.
to crowd around sb./sth.
se regrouper autour de qn.
to group together around sb.
tourner autour du pot [fam.] [loc.]
to pussyfoot around [idiom]
to beat about the bush [idiom]
to beat around the bush [idiom]
Cessez de tourner autour du pot ! [fam.]
Don't beat about the bush! [coll.]
articuler le débat autour de deux thèmes
to structure the discussion around two themes
décrire une orbite autour de qc.
to orbit sth.astron.
faire beaucoup de bruit autour qn./qc.
to make a (big) fuss about sb./sth.
to make a great fuss about sb./sth.
faire du tam-tam autour de qc. [loc.]
to make a lot of fuss about sth. [idiom]
faire grand bruit autour de qc. [loc.]
to make a song and dance about sth. [idiom]
faire un voyage autour du monde
to go on a trip around the world
to travel to around the worldtourisme
former un cercle autour de qn.
to form a ring around sb.
former un groupe autour de qn.
to cluster around sb.
to form a group around sb.
jeter un coup d'œil autour de soi [fig.]
to take a look around
passer les bras autour de qn./qc.
to wrap one's arms around sb./sth.
s'asseoir autour de la même table
to get round the table
se mettre autour de la table
to sit round the table
to sit around the table
se mobiliser autour d'un parti
to rally round a partypol.
se mobiliser autour d'un projet
to devote one's energies to a project
autour {m} (commun) [Accipiter gentilis]
northern goshawkorn.T
autour {m} à flancs roux [Accipiter castanilius]
chestnut-flanked sparrowhawkorn.T
autour {m} à gorge rayée [Accipiter ventralis, syn. : Accipiter striatus ventralis]
plain-breasted hawkorn.T
autour {m} à manteau noir [Accipiter melanochlamys]
black-mantled goshawkorn.T
autour {m} à ventre gris [Accipiter poliogaster]
grey-bellied hawk [Br.]orn.T
gray-bellied hawk [Am.]orn.T
grey-bellied goshawk [Br.]orn.T
gray-bellied goshawk [Am.]orn.T
autour {m} australien [Accipiter fasciatus]
brown goshawkorn.T
autour {m} blanc [Accipiter novaehollandiae]
white goshawkorn.T
autour {m} de Meyer [Accipiter meyerianus]
Meyer's goshawkorn.T
autour {m} des palombes [Accipiter gentilis]
northern goshawkorn.T
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