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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: avoir
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English-French Dictionary: avoir

VERB   avoir | ai | avoir eu | ayant
to have
avoir qc.
to have sth.
avoir {m} [élément d'actif]
avoir chaud [excessivement]
to be hot
avoir chaud [modérément]
to be warm
avoir cours [monnaie]
to be legal tenderécon.fin.monnaie
avoir cours [terme, expression]
to be usedling.
to be in useling.
avoir cours [théorie, pratique]
to be current
avoir faim
to be hungry
to go hungry
avoir froid
to get cold
to feel chilly
to be cold [feel cold]
avoir honte
to feel ashamed (of oneself)
avoir lieu
to take place
avoir mal
to be hurting
to have painméd.
avoir peur
to be frightened
avoir pied [dans l'eau]
to have a foothold [in water]
avoir plaisir
to be glad
to rejoice
to be tickled [idiom]
avoir qc. pour qc.
to be designed for sth.
avoir raison
to be right [correct]
avoir réussi
to be home free [idiom]
to be home and dry [esp. Br.] [idiom]
avoir signification
to carry weight [idiom]
avoir soif
to be thirsty
to go thirsty
avoir sommeil
to be tired
to be sleepy
avoir tort
to err
to be wrong
to be mistaken
to make a mistake
to be in the wrong
avoir vécu [objet, idée]
to have had its day [idiom] [hum.]
avoir vécu [personne]
to have seen a great deal of life
après avoir fait qc.
after having done sth.
accuser qn. d'avoir triché
to accuse sb. of having cheated
avoir à faire
to have to do something
avoir affaire à qc. [malfaiteur, fou, drogue, fausse monnaie]
to be dealing with sth.
avoir affaire à qn./qc.
to be up against sb./sth.
avoir assez d'argent
to be all right for moneyfin.
avoir beau faire qc.
to do sth. in vain [however hard one tries]
avoir beaucoup d'assurance
to be very self-assured
avoir beaucoup d'astuce [adulte]
to be extremely shrewd
avoir belle allure
to cut a fine figure
to look very stylishvêt.
avoir bénéfice de qc.
to benefit from sth.
avoir besoin de qc.
to need sth.
to require sth.
to have need of sth.
to be in need of sth.
to be ready for sth. [e.g. a meal]
avoir besoin de qn./qc.
to need sb./sth.
avoir besoin que ...
to need ...
avoir bien éclusé [fam.] [loc.]
to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk]
avoir bon caractère
to be good-natured
avoir bon cœur
to be good-hearted
to have a good heart
avoir bon dos [loc.]
to take the blame [for sb./sth.]
avoir bon esprit
to be helpful
avoir bon goût [avoir une saveur agréable]
to taste nicecuis.
avoir bon goût [discernement]
to have good taste
avoir bon moral
to be in good spirits
avoir bonne conscience [loc.]
to have a clean conscience [idiom]
avoir bonne maïsse [loc.] [mérid.] [avoir la langue bien pendue]
to have the gift of the gab [idiom]
avoir bonne mémoire
to have a good memory
avoir bonne mine [personne]
to look well
avoir bonne presse
to be well thought of
avoir bonne presse [aussi fig.]
to get a good press [also fig.]
avoir bonne réputation
to have a good reputation
avoir capacité pour qc.
to be (legally) entitled to sth.dr.
avoir carte blanche [loc.]
to have full rein [idiom]
to have a free hand [idiom]
avoir confiance dans qc.
to have confidence in sth.
avoir confiance en qn./qc.
to trust sb./sth.
to believe in sb./sth.
to have faith in sb./sth.
avoir confié à qn.
to confide in sb.
avoir connaissance de qc.
to know something about sth.
avoir conscience de qn./qc.
to be aware of sb./sth.
avoir conscience que ...
to be aware that ...
avoir de l'abattage [fam.]
to be very dynamic
avoir de l'allant
to have plenty of drive
avoir de l'allure
to have attitude
avoir de l'ambition
to be ambitious
avoir de l'assurance
to be self-confident
avoir de l'audace
to be daring
avoir de l'embonpoint
to be stout
avoir de l'empire [loc.]
to have lots of influence
avoir de l'entregent
to be very sociable
to be very outgoing [in relationships]
to be able to mix well [with other people]
avoir de l'envergure [chose]
to be sizeable
avoir de l'envergure [personne]
to have calibre [person]
avoir de l'esprit
to be witty
avoir de l'étoffe
to have what it takes
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