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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: champ
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English-French Dictionary: champ

NOUN   le champ | les champs
champ {m}
champ {m} algébrique
algebraic stackmath.
champ {m} d'action
area of activity
field of activity
area of operation
field of operation
champ {m} d'activité
area of operation
field of activity
field of operation
sphere of activity
champ {m} d'application
application domain
area of application
field of application
range of application
scope of application
champ {m} d'aviation
champ {m} d'honneur
field of honor [Am.] [dated] [scene of a battle]hist.mil.
field of honour [Br.] [dated] [scene of a battle]hist.mil.
champ {m} électrique
electric fieldélectr.phys.
electrical fieldélectr.phys.
champ {m} électromagnétique <champ EM>
electromagnetic field <EMF>phys.
champ {m} funéraire
burial sitearchéo.
burial groundarchéo.
champ {m} gazier
gas fieldchim.géol.
champ {m} géomagnétique
geomagnetic fieldgéol.phys.
champ {m} géothermique
geothermal areagéol.
geothermal fieldgéol.
champ {m} gravitationnel
gravitation fieldphys.
gravitational fieldphys.
champ {m} lexical
lexical fieldling.
semantic fieldling.
champ {m} magnétique
magnetic fieldphys.
champ {m} opérande
operand fieldinform.
champ {m} pétrolier
oil fieldgéol.mines
champ {m} pétrolifère
oil fieldgéol.minér.
champ {m} tensoriel
tensor fieldmath.
champ {m} troué
(surgical) incise drapeméd.TechMéd.
champ {m} vectoriel
vector fieldmath.phys.
champ {m} visuel
range of vision
champ {m} volcanique
volcanic fieldgéol.
champ-contrechamp {m}
shot-reverse shotfilmtech.
angle-reverse anglefilmtech.
sur-le-champ {adv}
at once
here and now [immediately]
bobine {f} de champ
magnet coilélectr.
champ {m} algébriquement fermé
algebraically closed fieldmath.
champ {m} de bataille
champ {m} de céréales
grain fieldagr.bot.
champ {m} de colza
rape fieldagr.bot.
colza fieldagr.bot.
canola field [Am.]agr.bot.
champ {m} de courses
race tracksport
race coursesport
champ {m} de foire
amusement parktourisme
funfair [Br.]tourisme
champ {m} de fouilles
archaeological sitearchéo.
champ {m} de glace
ice fieldgéogr.géol.
champ {m} de gravitation
gravitation fieldphys.
gravitational fieldphys.
champ {m} de gravité
gravitation fieldphys.
gravitational fieldphys.
champ {m} de Higgs
Higgs fieldphys.
champ {m} de jauge
electromagnetic four-potentialphys.
champ {m} de mines
champ {m} de pesanteur
gravitational accelerationphys.
champ {m} de rayonnement
X-ray fieldTechMéd.
radiation fieldTechMéd.
champ {m} de vision
field of view
field of vision
champ {m} magnétique terrestre
earth's magnetic fieldastron.géol.phys.
terrestrial magnetic fieldastron.géol.phys.
champ {m} volcanique monogénique
monogenetic volcanic fieldgéol.
effet {m} de champ
field effectphys.
ligne {f} de champ
line of forcephys.
profondeur {f} de champ
depth of fieldphoto.
battre qc. sur le champ
to fight sth. on the battlefieldmil.
halter en plein champ
to stop in the middle of nowhere
intensité {f} du champ électrique
electric field strengthphys.
à tout bout de champ {adv} [fam.] [tout le temps]
all the time
every little while
élargir le champ d'une enquête
to widen the scope of an enquirydr.
entourer un champ de barbelés
to put barbed wire round a fieldconstr.
to put barbed wire around a fieldconstr.
to surround a field with barbed wireconstr.
étendre le champ d'application de qc. [loi]
to widen the parameters of sth.
to extend the application of sth.
gêner le champ de vision de qn.
to block sb.'s view
laisser le champ libre à qc. [loc.]
to be a recipe for sth. [idiom]
laisser le champ libre à qn.
to give sb. a free hand
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