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French-English translation for: charge
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English-French Dictionary: charge

chargé {adj}
chargé {adj} {past-p}
chargé {adj} {past-p} [arme]
chargé {adj} {past-p} [de poids]
charge {f}
trust [custody]
charge {f} [cargaison - d'un animal]
charge {f} [cargaison - d'un camion]
charge {f} [cargaison - d'un navire]
charge {f} [cargaison]
carriage [freight]comm.transp.
charge {f} [fardeau]
encumbrance [burden]
charge {f} [présomption]
accusation [charge]dr.
charge {f} [quantité]
haul [quantity transported]transp.
charge {f} [responsabilité]
chargé {m}
à charge {adj} [membre de la famille]
dependent [relative]
complètement chargé {adj} {past-p}
fully charged
completely charged
fortement chargé {adj} {past-p}
highly charged
heavily loaded
charge {f} affective
emotional chargepsych.
charge {f} d'explosifs
explosive chargearmes
charge {f} électrique
electric chargeélectr.
charge {f} électrostatique
electrostatic chargeélectr.phys.
charge {f} élémentaire
elementary chargephys.
charge {f} émotionnelle
emotional chargepsych.
charge {f} fiscale
tax burdenécon.fin.pol.
charge {f} hypothécaire
charge {f} mentale
psychic strainpsych.
psychic stresspsych.
emotional stresspsych.
psychological stresspsych.
charge {f} négative
negative chargeélectr.
charge {f} positive
positive chargeélectr.
charge {f} utile [masse de la matière transportée]
vehicle load capacitytransp.
charge {f} virale
viral load <VL>méd.
chargé {m} (de qc.)
person in charge (of sth.)occup.
chargé {m} d'affaires
chargé d'affairesoccup.pol.
monte-charge {m}
goods lift [Br.]
goods elevator [Am.]
à charge négative {adj}
negatively chargedphys.
à charge positive {adj}
positively chargedphys.
sellé et chargé {adj}
saddled and ready to goéqui.
avoir qn. à charge
to be responsible for sb.
battre la charge
to sound the chargemil.
to sound the advancemil.
donner la charge
to chargemil.
être chargé de qc.
to be full of sth.
to be loaded with sth.
être chargé de qn./qc.
to be in charge of sb./sth.
prendre en charge
to take over [assume responsibility]
prendre qc. en charge
to pay for sth. [to assume the cost of something]
to support sth. [to assume the cost of something]
prendre qn. en charge
to care for sb.
animal {m} de charge
pack animaltransp.zool.
working animaltransp.zool.
beast of burdentransp.zool.
ascenseur {m} de charge
cargo lifttech.
goods lifttech.
capacité {f} de charge
ability to withstand stress
charge {f} à vide
empty weighttransp.
charge {f} de bord
edge loadingtech.
charge {f} de l'épaule
shoulder chargesport
charge {f} de notaire
notary's officeadm.dr.
charge {f} de rupture
breaking stressmatériel
charge {f} de sortie
output loadélectr.
output chargeélectr.
charge {f} de travail
allotted workoccup.
amount of workoccup.
chargé {m} de projets
project manageroccup.
project leader <PL>occup.
enfants {m.pl} à charge
dependent childrensociol.
femme {f} de charge
limite {f} de charge
maximum loadmatérielphys.tech.
mât {m} de charge
cargo beamnaut.
prise {f} en charge
prise {f} en charge [de personnes, frais]
undertaking to accept responsibilityfin.sociol.
prise {f} en charge [par la sécurité sociale]
agreement to bear medical costsadm.fin.méd.
prise {f} en charge [par un taxi]
minimum (pick-up) charge [taxi]fin.transp.
témoin {m} à charge
defense witness [Am.]dr.
witness for the prosecutiondr.
au casier judiciaire chargé {adj} {past-p}
previously convicteddr.
au pas de charge {adv}
in double-quick time
avoir qn. à (sa) charge
to be responsible for supporting sb.
être chargé de haine
to be fraught with hatred
être en charge de qc.
to answer for sth.
to be accountable for sth.
to be responsible for sth.
retourner à la charge
to mount a fresh attackmil.
retourner à la charge [loc.]
to go back onto the offensive [idiom]
revenir à la charge
to mount a fresh attackmil.
revenir à la charge [loc.]
to go back onto the offensive [idiom]
charge {f} de la preuve
charge {f} de particules fines
fine dust pollutionécol.
fine particulate air pollutionécol.
prise {f} en charge extrafamiliale
extra-familial caresociol.
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