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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: combat
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English-French Dictionary: combat

combat {m}
combat {m} acharné
heavy fightingmil.
combat {m} aérien
aerial combataviat.mil.
combat {m} concerté
prize fightinghist.sport
combat {m} d'entrainement [boxe]
spar [short training fight in boxing]
combat {m} intense
heavy fightingmil.
combat {m} naval
naval warfaremil.naut.
combat {m} rapproché
close combatmil.
combat {m} singulier
single combatmil.
prêt au combat {adj}
under arms [postpos.]mil.
ready to fight [postpos.]mil.
ready for battle [postpos.]mil.
embattled [ready to fight]mil.
refuser le combat
to refuse to fight
reprendre le combat
to resume fightingmil.
avion {m} de combat
war planeaviat.mil.
fighter jetaviat.mil.
fighter planeaviat.mil.
combat aircraftaviat.mil.
strike aircraftaviat.mil.
fighter aircraftaviat.mil.
char {m} de combat
chien {m} de combat
fighting dogzool.
combat {m} de coqs
rooster fight [esp. Am.]orn.
combat {m} de rue
street fightingmil.
coq {m} de combat
fighting cockorn.
distinction {f} au combat
battle honor [Am.]mil.
battle honour [Br.]mil.
groupe {m} de combat
combat unitmil.
nageur {m} de combat
combat swimmermil.nucl.occup.
nageurs {m.pl} de combat
naval frogmenmil.naut.occup.
nageuse {f} de combat
combat swimmer [female]mil.
simulacre {m} de combat
mock fight
zone {f} de combat
combat areamil.
combat zonemil.
area of operationsmil.
défier qn. en combat singulier
to challenge sb. to single combatarmes
être ardent au combat
to fight fiercely
mettre qn./qc. hors de combat
to incapacitate sb./sth.mil.
to put out of commissionmil.
to put sb./sth. out of actionmil.
to put sb./sth. hors de combatmil.
to immobilise sb./sth. [Br.]mil.
to render sb./sth. hors de combatmil.
to take out sb./sth. [incapacitate]mil.
to immobilize sb./sth. [Am.] [Can.]mil.
se retirer du combat
to pull outmil.
combat {m} en zone urbaine
urban warfaremil.
véhicule {m} blindé de combat
armored fighting vehicle <AFV> [Am.]armesmil.transp.
armoured fighting vehicle <AFV> [Br.]armesmil.transp.
véhicule {m} de combat d'infanterie
infantry fighting vehicle <IFV>mil.transp.
mechanized infantry combat vehicle <MICV>mil.transp.
mechanised infantry combat vehicle <MICV> [Br.]mil.transp.
à la pointe du combat {adv}
in the front line of battle
Combat {m} d'Adam et d'Ève contre Satan [apocryphe chrétien de l'Ancien Testament]
Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan [also: The Book of Adam and Eve]hist.littérat.relig.
Le Combat des chefs
Asterix and the Big FightBDF
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