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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: contre
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English-French Dictionary: contre

contre {prep}
versus <vs.>
contre {adj} [belge] [porte : entrouvert]
ci-contre {adv}
contre remboursement {adv}
cash on delivery <COD>transp.
contre-indiqué {adj} [activité] [aussi : contrindiqué]
contre-indiqué {adj} {past-p} [aussi : contrindiqué]
contre-intuitif {adj}
contre-nature {adj}
contre-nature {adj} [alliance]
contre-productif {adj}
contre-utopique {adj}
fâché contre qn./qc. {adj}
angry with sb./sth.
par contre {adv}
on the other hand
tout contre {prep}
completely against
aboyer contre qn./qc.
to bark at sb./sth.
acculer qn. contre qc.
to drive sb. back against sth.
adosser qc. contre qc.
to stand sth. against sth.
agir contre qn.
to take legal action against sb.dr.
appuyer qc. contre qc. [objet]
to lean sth. against sth.
assurer qc. contre qc.
to insure sth. against sth. [theft, damage]assur.
braquer qn. contre qn./qc.
to turn sb. against sb./sth.
to rouse sb. against sb./sth.
buter contre qc.
to walk into sth.
to bump into sth.
to fall over sth.
to come across sth.
to stumble over sth. [also fig.]
to be supported by sth.constr.
buter contre qc. [obstacle, difficulté]
to come up against sth.
cogner [accidentellement] (contre qn./qc.)
to knock (against sb./sth.)
cogner [volontairement] (contre qn./qc.)
to bang (against sb./sth.)
coller qc. contre qc.
to press sth. against sth.
comploter contre qn.
to plot against sb.pol.
to conspire against sb.pol.
conclure contre qn. [juge, jury]
to find against sb.dr.
conspirer contre qn./qc.
to scheme against sb./sth.
to conspire against sb./sth.
conspirer contre qn./qc. [comploter]
to plot against sb./sth.
contre-attaquer qn.
to counter-attack sb.mil.
contre-attaquer qn./qc.
to counterattack sb./sth.mil.
crier contre qc.
to complain about sth.
déblatérer contre qn./qc. [fam.]
to rant on about sb./sth. [coll.]
to mouth off about sb./sth. [coll.]
défendre qn. contre qc.
to protect sb. from sth.
to protect sb. against sth.
échanger qc. contre qc.
to exchange sth. for sth.
endurcir qn. contre qc.
to build up sb.'s resistance to sth.
être contre
to mind
être contre qn./qc.
to be against sb./sth.
to be opposed to sb./sth.
to be an opponent of sb./sth.
exciter qn. contre qn.
to work sb. up against sb.
fulminer contre qn./qc.
to fume at sb./sth.
to rage at sb./sth.
to thunder against sb./sth
to inveigh against sb./sth.
fulminer qc. contre qn.
to fulminate sth. against sb.relig.
fulminer qc. contre qn./qc. [insultes]
to hurl sth. at sb./sth.
fulminer qc. contre qn./qc. [menaces]
to fling sth. at sb./sth.
gronder contre qn./qc. [chien]
to growl at sb./sth.
heurter qc. contre qc.
to knock sth. against sth.
immuniser qn./qc. contre qc.
to immunize sb./sth. against sth.méd.
to immunise sb./sth. against sth. [Br.]méd.
informer contre qn./qc.
to start investigations concerning sb./sth.dr.
invectiver contre qn./qc.
to rail against sb./sth. [coll.]
lutter contre qc. [intempéries, bruit]
to contend with sth.
lutter contre qn./qc.
to fight against sb./sth.
manifester contre qn./qc.
to demonstrate against sb./sth.
maugréer contre qc.
to grumble about sth.
militer contre qc. [arguments, raisons]
to argue against sth.
to militate against sth.
monnayer qc. contre qc.
to exchange sth. for sth.
parer qn./qc. contre qn./qc.
to shield sb./sth. against sb./sth.
to protect sb./sth. against sb./sth.
pester contre qn./qc.
to fulminate against sb./sth.
to curse sb./sth. [rant, rail at]
plaider contre qn.
to litigate against sb.dr.
plaquer qn. contre qc.
to pinion sb. against sth.
précipiter qn. contre qc.
to throw sb. against sth.
prémunir qn. contre qc.
to protect sb. against sth.
prévenir qn. contre qn./qc.
to prejudice sb. against sb./sth.
protéger qn. contre qc.
to cushion sb. against sth.
râler contre qc. [fam.] [ronchonner]
to beef about sth. [coll.] [complain]
râler contre qn./qc. [fam.]
to beef about sb./sth. [Am.] [coll.]
rebondir contre qc. [balle]
to rebound off sth.
rebondir contre qc. [rayon, son]
to bounce off sth.
réclamer contre qc.
to protest against sth.
to cry out against sth. [protest]
regimber (contre qc.)
to balk (at sth.)
rouspéter contre qn./qc. [fam.]
to grumble about sb./sth.
to bitch about sb./sth. [coll.]
s'acharner contre qn.
to fight against sb.
s'acharner contre qn./qc. [victime]
to bear down on sb./sth. [approach in a determined or threatening manner]
s'aplatir contre qc.
to squash oneself up against sth.
s'aplatir contre qc. [fam.] [s'immobiliser]
to flatten oneself against sth.
s'appuyer contre qc.
to brace oneself against sth.
s'appuyer contre qn./qc.
to lean against sb./sth.
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