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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: demander
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English-French Dictionary: demander

demander qc.
to require sth.
to ask for sth.
demander qc. [attention]
to need sth. [require]
demander qc. [conseil, addition]
to request sth.
demander qc. [divorce]
to sue fo sth. [e.g. divorce]dr.sociol.
demander qc. [emploi, visa]
to apply for sth.adm.occup.
demander qc. [expertise]
to call for sth.dr.
demander qc. [faire payer]
to charge sth. [ask as a fee]comm.
demander qc. [indemnité, dommages]
to claim sth.dr.
to demand sth.dr.
demander qn. [médecin, prêtre]
to send for sb.méd.relig.
demander qn. [rechercher pour un poste]
to seek sb. [to fill a job position etc.]occup.
to look for sb. [to fill a job position etc.]occup.
demander à [+inf.]
to ask to [+inf.]
demander après qn. [fam.]
to ask for sb.
to ask after sb.
to inquire after sb.
to enquire after sb. [esp. Br.]
demander grâce
to ask for mercy
to beg for mercy
demander justice
to demand justice
to demand fair treatment
demander l'addition
to ask for the bill [Br.]cuis.fin.
to ask for the check [Am.]cuis.fin.
demander l'aumône
to ask for charityfin.sociol.
demander l'heure
to ask the time
demander l'impossible
to ask for the impossible
demander pardon
to apologize
to apologise [Br.]
demander qc. à qn. [interroger sur]
to ask sb. sth.
demander quand ...
to inquire when ...
demander si ...
to inquire whether ...
demander vengeance
to cry out for revenge
se demander
to wonder
to ask oneself
se demander qc.
to ask oneself sth.
C'est trop demander.
That's asking too much.
demander à qn. comment ...
to ask sb. how ...
demander à qn. pouquoi ...
to ask sb. why ...
demander à qn. si ...
to ask sb. if ...
to ask sb. whether ...
demander à réfléchir
to need time to think things over
demander à rencontrer qn.
to ask to meet sb.
demander à voir qn./qc.
to ask to see sb./sth.
demander acte de qc.
to ask for acknowledgement of sth.dr.
demander assistance à qn.
to ask sb. for help
demander audience à qn.
to request an audience with sb.
demander beaucoup d'attention
to require a lot of attention
demander beaucoup d'entretien
to need a lot of looking after
demander compte à qn.
to hold sb. liable
to call sb. to account
to hold sb. accountable
to make sb. accountable
demander conseil à qn.
to ask sb.'s advice
demander des renforts
to ask for reinforcementsmil.
demander des renforts [aussi fig.]
to ask for support [also fig.]
demander des renseignements
to gather information
demander du doigté
to call for tact
demander du temps
to be time-consuming
demander l'asile (politique)
to apply for political asylumdr.pol.
demander l'autorisation à qn.
to ask sb.'s permission
demander l'heure à qn.
to ask sb. the time
demander l'internement de qn.
to request that sb. be committed [to a psychiatric institution]méd.psych.
demander la charité
to ask for charity
demander la lune [loc.]
to ask for the moon [idiom]
demander la note
to ask for the bill [Br.]cuis.fin.
to ask for the check [Am.]cuis.fin.
demander la parole
to ask for permission to speak
demander le divorce
to file for divorcesociol.
to ask for a divorcesociol.
demander pardon à qn.
to apologize to sb.
to ask sb. for forgiveness
to apologise to sb. [Br.]
demander qn. en mariage
to propose to sb.
demander sa mutation
to apply for a transferoccup.
demander son vestiaire
to ask for one's coat [e.g. at the theatre]
demander trop à qn./qc.
to overexert sb./sth.occup.
to overwhelm sb./sth. [with work, with a task]occup.
demander un délai
to ask for more time
to ask for extra time
demander un délai [prolongation]
to ask for a time extension
to ask for an extension [time]
demander une augmentation [de salaire]
to ask for a rise [Br.] [of salary]fin.occup.
to ask for a raise [Am.] [of salary]fin.occup.
demander une promotion
to put oneself forward for promotionoccup.
s'obstiner à demander qc.
to stick out for sth.
se demander pourquoi ...
to be puzzled as to why ...
to be perplexed as to why ...
se demander si ...
to wonder whether ...
Puis-je vous demander ...
May I ask you ...VocVoy.
Que demander de plus ?
Who could ask for more? [idiom]
What more could anybody ask? [idiom]
sans demander son reste {adv} [loc.]
without asking for more
without further ado [idiom]
(en) demander beaucoup à qn.
to ask a lot of sb.
demander à brûle-pourpoint
to ask point-blank
demander à qn. de faire qc.
to ask sb. to do sth.
demander de l'argent à qn.
to ask sb. for money
demander des comptes à qn.
to call sb. to account
to make sb. accountable
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