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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: qc
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English-French Dictionary: qc

qn./qc. est
sb./sth. is
qn./qc. était
sb./sth. was
qn./qc. fut
sb./sth. was
qn./qc. avait
sb./sth. had
qc. paissait
sth. grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]agr.zool.
qc. paît
sth. grazes [cattle, sheep etc.]agr.zool.
qn. fit qc.
sb. did sth.
qn./qc. venait
sb./sth. came
qn./qc. vint
sb./sth. came
Qu'importe qc. ?
Who cares about sth.?
selon qc. {adv}
depending on sth.
payer (qc.)
to pay (sth.)
rencontrer qn./qc.
to meet sb./sth. [encounter]
ajouter qc.
to add sth.
bouger (qn./qc.)
to move (sb./sth.)
savoir qc.
to know sth.
louer qc.
to rent sth.
rappeler qc./qn.
to remember sth./sb.
souhaiter qc.
to wish sth.
suivre (qn./qc.)
to follow (sb./sth.)
tenir qn./qc.
to hold sb./sth.
compter (qc.)
to count (sth.)
croire qc.
to think sth. [believe]
trahir qn./qc.
to betray sb./sth.
apprendre qc.
to learn sth.
répondre (qc.)
to answer (sth.)
tirer (qc.)
to pull (sth.)
attraper qn./qc.
to catch sb./sth.
cacher qc.
to hide sth.
deviner qc.
to guess sth.
enlever qc. [mot, tache, furoncle, etc.]
to remove sth. [word, stain, boil, etc.]
étudier (qc.)
to study (sth.)
nettoyer qc.
to clean sth.
raconter qc.
to tell sth.
tenter qc.
to attempt sth.
tuer (qn./qc.)
to kill (sb./sth.)
atteindre qc.
to reach sth.
commencer (qc.)
to begin (sth.)
lire (qc.)
to read (sth.)
vendre qc.
to sell sth.
connaître qn./qc.
to know sb./sth.
empêcher qc.
to forbid sth. [prevent]
jeter qc.
to throw sth.
siffler (qc.)
to whistle (sth.)
supprimer qc. [effet, cause , obstacle]
to remove sth.
apprécier qn./qc.
to appreciate sb./sth.
avouer qc.
to confess sth.
battre qn./qc.
to beat sb./sth. [eggs, people]
fournir qc.
to provide sth.
peser (qn./qc.)
to weigh (sb./sth.)
porter qc. [vêtement]
to wear sth. [clothing]textile
télécharger qc.
to download sth.inform.
craindre qn./qc.
to fear sb./sth.
gagner (qc.)
to win (sth.)
blesser qn./qc.
to injure sb./sth.
brûler (qc.)
to burn (sth.)
couper (qn./qc.)
to cut (sb./sth.)
crier (qc.)
to shout (sth.)
détester qn./qc.
to hate sb./sth.
partager qc.
to share sth.
permettre qc.
to permit sth.
prêter qc.
to loan sth. [Am.]
reconnaître qc./qn.
to recognize sth./sb. [Am.]
saigner (qn./qc.)
to bleed (sb./sth.)
accroître qc.
to increase sth.
emporter qc. [quelque part]
to take sth. [somewhere]
goûter qc. [essayer]
to taste sth. [try the taste]
haïr qn./qc.
to hate sb./sth.
saisir qc.
to grab sth.
sauver qn./qc.
to rescue sb./sth.
soutenir qn./qc.
to support sb./sth.
toucher qn./qc.
to touch sb./sth.
ajourner qc.
to postpone sth.
amener qn./qc.
to bring sb./sth.
bâtir qc.
to build sth.constr.
choisir qc.
to choose sth.
détruire qc.
to destroy sth.
diminuer (qc.)
to decrease (sth.)
entendre qn./qc.
to hear sb./sth.
entrer (qc.)
to enter (sth.)
épargner (qc.) [argent]
to save (sth.) [money]
frapper qn./qc.
to hit sb./sth.
gâcher qc.
to ruin sth.
lancer qc. [jeter]
to throw sth.
laver qc.
to wash sth.
passer (qc.)
to pass (sth.)
prévenir qc. [empêcher]
to prevent sth.
ramasser qc.
to collect sth. [gather]
remuer qc.
to stir sth.cuis.
susciter qc. [sentiment]
to arouse sth. [feelings]
tourner (qc.)
to turn (sth.)
voler qc.
to steal sth.
attacher qc. [importance, valeur]
to attach sth.
poursuivre qn./qc.
to pursue sb./sth.
prendre qc.
to take sth.
abandonner qn./qc. [personne, espoir, essai]
to abandon sb./sth. [person, hope, attempt]
admettre qc. [reconnaître, accepter]
to admit sth. [recognise, accept]
adorer qn./qc.
to adore sb./sth.
affaiblir qn./qc.
to weaken sb./sth.
apporter qc.
to bring sth.
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