- rejeter qn./qc.
- to reject sb./sth.
to spurn sb./sth.
- rejeter qc. [circonstances atténuantes]
- to disregard sth. [mitigating circumstances]
- rejeter qc. [déchets, eaux usées]
- to discharge sth.
- rejeter qc. [décision]
- to quash sth. [decision]
to overrule sth. [decision]
- rejeter qc. [idée]
- to squash sth. [idea]
- rejeter qc. [lave]
- to spew out sth.
- rejeter qc. [motion, proposition, projet de loi]
- to defeat sth.pol.
- rejeter qc. [nourriture, bile, sang]
- to bring up sth.méd.
- rejeter qc. [nourriture]
- to vomit sth.
- rejeter qc. [objections]
- to sweep sth. away [objections]
- rejeter qc. [plainte]
- to disallow sth. [claim]dr.
- rejeter qc. [projet de loi]
- to vote sth. down [proposed law]pol.
- rejeter qc. [recours, plainte, charges, résolution]
- to dismiss sth.adm.dr.
- rejeter qc. [requête]
- to deny sth.
- rejeter qc. [suggestion]
- to repudiate sth. [suggestion]
- rejeter qc. [violence]
- to eschew sth. [violence]
- rejeter qn./qc. [personne, offre]
- to shun sb./sth.
- rejeter qn./qc. [personne, plainte]
- to turn sb./sth. down [reject, refuse]
- rejeter qc. [tort, faute, responsabilité] (sur qn.)
- to shift sth. (onto sb.)
- rejeter qc. totalement
- to reject sth. totally
to totally reject sth. to reject sth. completely to completely reject sth.
- rejeter la responsabilité de qc. sur qc.
- to assign the blame for sth. to sth.
- rejeter la responsabilité de qc. sur qn.
- to blame sb. for sth.
to put the blame for sth. on sb.
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