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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: s'arracher à qc
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English-French Dictionary: s'arracher à qc

s'abandonner à qc.
to indulge in sth.
s'abandonner à qc. [désespoir]
to give way to sth.
s'abandonner à qc. [plaisirs]
to give oneself up to sth.
s'abandonner à qc. [rêverie]
to drift off into sth. [emotionally]
s'abonner à qc. [périodique, télevision]
to subscribe to sth.
s'acclimater à qc. [loc.]
to make oneself at home with sth. [idiom]
s'accommoder à qc. [s'adapter]
to adapt to sth.
s'accompagner à qc.
to accompany oneself on sth.mus.
s'accouder à qc.
to lean one's elbows on sth.
s'accoutumer à qc.
to get used to sth.
s'accrocher à qc.
to cling to sth.
to clutch at sth.
to adhere to sth.
to hang on to sth.
to get stuck on sth.
s'adapter à qc.
to adapt to sth.
to be suited to sth.
to attune oneself to sth.
s'adapter à qn./qc.
to become like sb./sth.
s'adonner à qc.
to addict oneself to sth.
to devote oneself to sth.
to dedicate oneself to sth.
to be heavily into sth. [coll.]
s'adosser à qc. [mur, porte]
to lean against sth.
s'adresser à qc. [échanger]
to exchange sth. [letters]
s'adresser à qc. [public cible]
to cater to sth. [target audience]journ.RadioTV
to cater for sth. [target audience]journ.RadioTV
s'adresser à qn./qc. [contacter]
to contact sb./sth.
s'adresser à qn./qc. [remarque]
to be meant for sb./sth.
to be directed at sb./sth.
s'affilier à qc.
to become affiliated to sth.
s'affilier à qc. [devenir membre]
to join sth. [become a member]
s'agripper à qn./qc. [aussi fig.]
to cling to sb./sth. [to hold on tightly] [also fig.]
s'ajouter à qc.
to add to sth.
to be added to sth.
s'ajuster à qn./qc.
to adjust to sb./sth. [to become used to a new situation, one's neighbours]
s'allier à qn./qc.
to form an alliance with sb./sth.pol.
s'apparenter à qc. [par mariage]
to marry into sth. [aristocracy]
s'apparenter à qn./qc.
to resemble sb./sth.
s'apparenter à qn./qc. [politiquement]
to ally with sb./sth.pol.
s'appliquer à qc.
to apply oneself to sth.
s'arracher à qc. [pensées, rêverie]
to rouse oneself from sth.
s'arracher à qc. [travail, occupation]
to tear oneself away from sth.
s'arrêter à qc. [détails, essentiel]
to focus on sth.
s'arrimer à qc.
to hold fast onto sth.
to hang on to sth. [hold tightly]
s'articuler à qc. [os]
to articulate with sth. [bone]anat.
s'assimiler à qc.
to integrate into sth.
to be comparable to sth.
s'associer à qc.
to be associated with sth.
s'associer à qc. [mouvement, manifestation, campagne]
to join sth. [e.g. a demonstration]
s'associer à qc. [projet, vote, décision]
to join in sth.
s'attacher à qn./qc.
to grow fond of sb./sth.
to become attached to sb./sth.
s'attaquer à qc. [combattre]
to fight sth.
to tackle sth.
to attack sth.
to take on sth. [tackle]
s'attaquer à qc. [tâche, lecture]
to make a start on sth.
s'attaquer à qn./qc.
to attack sb./sth. [assault, tackle]
s'atteler à qc. [fig.]
to get down to sth. [coll.]
to buckle down to sth. [coll.]
to get cracking on sth. [coll.]
s'attendre à qc.
to expect sth.
to anticipate sth.
s'aventurer jusqu'à qc.
to venture to sth.
s'échanger à qc. [valoir : p. ex. euro à dollar]
to trade at sth. [be worth: e.g. euro to dollar]fin.
s'échiner à qc. [loc.]
to kill oneself on sth. [idiom]
s'effaroucher à qc.
to take fright at sth.
s'élever à qc. [facture, somme]
to amount to sth.fin.
s'endurcir à qc.
to inure oneself to sth.
s'engager à qc. [promettre]
to undertake to do sth.
s'entraîner à qc.
to prepare oneself for sth.
s'essayer à qc.
to try one's hand at sth. [idiom]
s'établir à qc.
to settle in sth.
s'étendre à qc. [loi, mesure]
to apply to sth.dr.
s'exposer à qc. [colère, rechute, mort]
to risk sth.
s'exposer à qc. [poursuites, critiques, représailles]
to run the risk of sth.
to lay oneself open to sth.
s'habituer à qc.
to become accustomed to sth.
s'habituer à qn./qc.
to get used to sb./sth.
s'incorporer à qc. [liquide, substance]
to blend into sth.
s'incorporer à qc. [personne]
to fit into sth.
s'inféoder à qn./qc.
to pledge oneself to sb./sth.
s'inscrire à qc. [un club, parti]
to enter sth. [club, party]
s'inscrire à qc. [université]
to matriculate at sth.éduc.
to enrol at sth. [Br.]éduc.
to enroll at sth. [Am.]éduc.
s'intéresser à qc.
to take to sth. [become interested in]
s'intéresser à qn./qc.
to be interested in sb./sth.
s'opposer à qc.
to object to sth.
to be opposed to sth.
to stand in the way of sth.
to be against sth. [oppose]
s'opposer à qn./qc.
to oppose sb./sth.
s'ouvrir à qc. [pays, économie]
to open up to sth.
s'abaisser à faire qc.
to demean oneself to do sth.
s'abaisser à faire qc. [aussi fig.]
to stoop to doing sth. [also fig.]
s'abaisser jusqu'à faire qc. [aussi fig.]
to descend so low as to do sth. [also fig.]
s'accoutumer à faire qc.
to get used to doing sth.
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