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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: s'arracher qc
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English-French Dictionary: s'arracher qc

s'arroger qc. [rôle]
to assume sth. [role]
s'attirer qc.
to obtain sth. [esp. knowledge, social standing etc.]
s'accorder qc. [repos, congé]
to give oneself sth.
to allow oneself sth.
s'acheter qc.
to buy oneself sth.
s'adjuger qc. [coupe, titre]
to take sth.sport
s'adjuger qc. [plus-value]
to gain sth.comm.fin.
s'approprier qc.
to appropriate sth.
s'approprier qc. [pouvoir]
to seize sth. [power]
s'appuyer qn./qc.
to be stuck with sb./sth.
to be lumbered with sb./sth. [coll.]
s'arracher qc.
to fight over sth.
s'arroger qc. [droit, privilège, pouvoir]
to arrogate sth.pol.
s'arroger qc. [titre, prérogatives]
to appropriate sth.
s'autoproclamer qc.
to proclaim oneself sth.
s'autoriser qc.
to allow oneself sth.
to permit oneself sth.
s'avouer qc.
to admit sth. to oneself
s'enfiler qc. [boisson] [fam.]
to guzzle sth. down [coll.]cuis.
to down sth. [drink] [coll.]cuis.
s'enfiler qc. [fam.] [tâche]
to get landed with sth. [coll.]
s'enfiler qc. [gâteaux] [fam.]
to devour sth.cuis.
s'envoyer qc. [lettres, cadeaux, regards]
to exchange sth.
s'estimer qc. [se considérer comme]
to think oneself sth. [to consider oneself as]
s'exagérer qc. [problème, risque]
to exaggerate sth. [in one's own mind]
s'expliquer qc. [comprendre]
to understand sth
s'imaginer qc.
to imagine sth.
s'interdire qc.
to deny oneself sth.
s'intituler qc. [avoir pour titre]
to be entitled sth. [book, pub etc: be called]
s'inventer qc.
to make sth. up [idiom]
to dream sth. up [idiom]
s'octroyer qc.
to allow oneself sth. [a treat, holiday etc.]
s'offrir qc.
to treat oneself to sth.
qc. s'écrit soudé
sth. is written as one wordling.
s'agissant de qn./qc. {adv}
as regards sb./sth.
faire s'effondrer qc.
to collapse sth. [cause sth. to fall down or give way]
faire s'entrechoquer qc.
to rattle sth. [shake and make a noise]
laisser qc. (s')égoutter
to leave sth. to draincuis.
s'abandonner à qc.
to indulge in sth.
s'abandonner à qc. [désespoir]
to give way to sth.
s'abandonner à qc. [plaisirs]
to give oneself up to sth.
s'abandonner à qc. [rêverie]
to drift off into sth. [emotionally]
s'abattre sur qc. [guerre]
to engulf sth.
s'abattre sur qn./qc. [léopard]
to pounce on sb./sth.zool.
s'abattre sur qn./qc. [oiseau]
to swoop down on sb./sth.orn.
s'abîmer dans qc. [méditation]
to be lost in sth.
s'abonner à qc. [périodique, télevision]
to subscribe to sth.
s'abriter de qc.
to take shelter from sth.
s'abriter de qn./qc.
to take cover from sb./sth.
s'absorber dans qc.
to be engrossed in sth.
s'abstenir de qc.
to refrain from sth.
s'abstenir de qc. [se refuser]
to go without sth.
to deny oneself sth.
to give up sth. [habit]
s'accabler de qc. [se couvrir de qc.]
to burden oneself with sth.
s'acclimater à qc. [loc.]
to make oneself at home with sth. [idiom]
s'accommoder à qc. [s'adapter]
to adapt to sth.
s'accommoder de qc.
to put up with sth.
to make do with sth.
to make the best of sth.
to become reconciled to sth.
s'accommoder de qc. [s'adapter]
to put up with sth.
s'accompagner à qc.
to accompany oneself on sth.mus.
s'accompagner de qc. [aller avec]
to come with sth.
s'accompagner de qc. [p.ex un contrat]
to be accompanied by sth. [e.g. a contract]dr.
s'accomplir dans qc.
to find fulfilment in sth. [Br.]
to find fulfillment in sth. [Am.]
s'accorder avec qc.
to go by sth.
to depend on sth.
to comply with sth.
to be geared to sth.
to be determined by sth.
to conform to sth. [rules, advice etc.]
to follow sth. [fashion, trend, suggestion]
to go according to sth. [to be determined by]
to act on sth. [comply with sth., follow sth.]
to observe sth. [adhere to sth., abide by sth.]
s'accorder sur qc.
to agree on sth.
to agree about sth.
s'accouder à qc.
to lean one's elbows on sth.
s'accoutumer à qc.
to get used to sth.
s'accrocher à qc.
to cling to sth.
to clutch at sth.
to adhere to sth.
to hang on to sth.
to get stuck on sth.
s'accuser de qc.
to confess to sth.
to take the blame for sth.
s'acharner contre qn./qc. [victime]
to bear down on sb./sth. [approach in a determined or threatening manner]
s'acharner dans qc.
to adhere to sth.
s'acharner sur qc.
to become deeply absorbed in sth.
to get stuck into sth. [Br.] [coll.] [fig.]
s'acharner sur qn./qc. [victime]
to bear down on sb./sth. [approach in a determined or threatening manner]
s'acheminer vers qc.
to make one's way to sth. [idiom]
to make one's way towards sth. [idiom]
s'acheminer vers qc. [fig.] [négociations]
to move toward(s) sth.comm.pol.
s'achever par qc.
to end with sth.
s'achever sur qc.
to end on sth.
s'adapter à qc.
to adapt to sth.
to be suited to sth.
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