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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: se
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English-French Dictionary: se

PRON   se | se | se | se
se {pron}
sélénium {m} <Se>
selenium <Se>chim.minér.
qc. se sent
sth. can be felt
qn. se lamenta [littéraire]
sb. complained
se blottissant {adj} {pres-p}
se contenant {adj} {pres-p}
restraining oneself
se demandant {adj} {pres-p}
se déplaçant {adj} {pres-p}
travelling [Br.]
se déroulant {adj} {pres-p}
taking place
se levant {adj} {pres-p}
standing up
se liant {adj} {pres-p}
se plaignant {adj} {pres-p}
se prétendant {adj} {pres-p}
se refusant {adj} {pres-p}
se réjouissant {adj} {pres-p}
se rendant {adj} {pres-p}
travelling [Br.]
se retournant {adj} {pres-p}
turning around
se tournant {adj} {pres-p}
(se) cabrer [cheval]
to rear (up) [horse]
(se) dévoiler [apparaître]
to be revealed
(se) magner [fam.]
to hurry up
se baigner
to bath [take a bath]
se baigner [dans une baignoire]
to have a bath [Br.]
to take a bath [Am.]
se baigner [nager]
to have a swim
to bathe [Br.] [swim]
se baisser
to duck
to stoop
to bend down
to stoop down
se baisser [rideau]
to dropthéâtre
se balader
to saunter
to gallivant
to go for a walk
to take a walk [Am.]
se balancer
to swing
se balancer [bateau]
to rocknaut.
se barber [fam.]
to be bored stiff [coll.]
se barrer [fam.] [s'enfuir]
to clear off [coll.]
se barricader
to lock oneself up
se bastonner [fam.]
to fight
to bandy blows [coll.]
se battre
to exchange blows
to fight (with each other)
se bécoter [fam.]
to snog [Br.] [coll.]
se beurrer [fam.]
to get pissed [sl.] [Br.]
to get hammered [idiom] [drunk]
to have a piss-up [Br.] [vulg.]
to get plastered [coll.] [drunk]
se bidonner [fam.]
to fall about laughing [coll.]
se biturer [aussi : bitturer] [fam.]
to tipple
to booze [coll.]
to be on the sauce [booze] [coll.]
se blesser
to hurt oneselfméd.
to injure oneselfméd.
to do oneself a mischief [idiom]méd.
se bloquer [clef, roue, mécanisme]
to jamtech.
se bloquer [clef]
to get stucktech.
se bloquer [fig.] [personne]
to tense up
se bloquer [freins]
to lock [brakes]auto
se bloquer [personne]
to have a mental blockpsych.
to close in on oneself [cease to communicate]psych.
se blottir
to snuggle up
se bonifier
to improve
se botter
to put one's boots on
se boucher [s'obstruer - tuyau, narine]
to get blockedanat.tech.
se boucher [temps]
to become overcastmétéo.
se boucler
to curl
se bouder
to not to be on speaking terms
se bourrer [fam.] [manger]
to stuff oneself [coll.]cuis.
to stuff one's face [coll.]cuis.
se bousculer [se heurter]
to bump into each other
se boutonner
to button upvêt.
se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]
to wank [esp. Br.] [vulg.] [masturbate]
to beat one's meat [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
to pull oneself off [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
to have one off the wrist [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
to have a hand shandy [Br.] [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
to give oneself one off the wrist [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
se briser [amitié]
to fall apart [friendship]
se briser [espoir, rêve]
to be shattered
se briser [vitre, os]
to break
se brosser
to brush oneself
se brouiller [idées]
to get muddled up [ideas, words]
se brûler
to burn oneself
to scald oneself
se buter [se braquer]
to get obstinate
to dig one's heels in [idiom]
se cabrer [personne]
to jib
to bridle
se cacher
to cower
to be hiding
to be hidden
to hide (oneself)
se cacher [soleil]
to disappear
se cacher [temporairement]
to go into hiding
se cadenasser [fig.]
to close one's mind [fig.]
se cailler [sang, lait, etc.]
to clot
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