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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: son
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English-French Dictionary: son

PRON   son | sa | ses | ses
NOUN   le son | les sons
son {pron}
her [determiner]
his [determiner]
son {m}
abat-son {m}
bande {f} son [aussi : bande-son]
sound trackaudiofilm
bande-son {f}
carte {f} son
monteur {m} son
sound editoraudiooccup.
monteuse {f} son
sound editor [female]audiooccup.
perche {f} son
sound boomaudiofilm
son {m} (vocalique)
(vowel) soundling.
son {m} d'avoine
oat branalim.cuis.
son {m} fondamental
basic tonemus.
basic soundmus.
fundamental tonemus.
fundamental soundmus.
son {m} initial
initial soundling.phonet.
son {m} pincé
plunk [sound: twang]mus.
son {m} plaintif
wail [of musical instrument]mus.
(tout) son content {adv}
to one's heart's content [idiom]
à son aise {adv}
in comfort
cosily [Br.]
cozily [Am.]
à son compte {adj}
à son gré {adv}
at one's pleasure
à son tour {adv}
in its turn
in turn [as a consequence]
C'est son anniversaire.
It's her birthday. [also: his birthday (depending on the subject)]
Chacun son tour.
Each one in his turn.
contre son gré {adv}
against one's will
dans son intégralité {adj}
full [complete]
integral [entire, complete]
de son côté {adv}
for one's part
de son cru {adv} [femme] [fig.]
of her own devising
de son cru {adv} [homme] [fig.]
of his own devising
de son vivant {adv}
in one's lifetime
dès son retour {adv}
on his return [after his return]
en son vivant {adv}
in one's lifetime
during one's life
rongeant son frein {adj} {pres-p} [fam.]
champing at the bit [coll.]
suivant son habitude {adv}
as was his custom
tout son soûl {adv}
to one's heart's content [idiom]
accomplir son devoir
to do one's duty
accorder son consentement
to give one's consent
accuser son âge [fam.] [loc.]
to show one's age [idiom]
affirmer son autorité
to assert one's authority
aimer son confort
to like to feel at ease
to like one's creature comforts [idiom]
aller son train [affaire]
to be getting on all right
allumer son ordinateur
to switch on his computer [or her computer]inform.
allumer son PC
to switch on one's PCinform.
améliorer son sort
to improve one's lot
apporter son témoignage
to give one's own account
apposer qc. son contreseing
to countersign sth.dr.
apposer son sceau
to affix one's seal
assurer son pas
to steady oneself
atteindre son objectif [but]
to attain one's aim
to attain one's end
to achieve one's aim
to attain one's goal
to achieve one's ends
to achieve one's goal
to achieve one's object
to attain one's objective
to accomplish one's object
atteindre son paroxysme [joie, douleur, etc.]
to reach its apogee
attendre son heure
to bide one's time
attendre son jour
to bide one's time
attendre son tour
to wait one's turn
augmenter le son
to turn up the volumeaudioRadioTV
to turn up the soundRadioTV
avoir son compte [fam.] [être ivre]
to be drunk
avoir son importance
to have importance
baisser son fute [fam.]
to drop one's trousers [coll.]
battre son plein [loc.]
to be in full swing [idiom]
to run at full speed [idiom]
brûler son arrêt [fam.]
to miss one's stoptransp.
to go past one's stoptransp.
cacher son âge
to keep one's age (a) secret
cacher son jeu
to hide one's cardsjeux
cacher son jeu [fig.] [loc.]
to keep one's plans to oneself
to keep one's cards close to one's chest [idiom]
calculer son coup
to plan one's move
calculer son rythme
to pace oneselfsport
ceindre son épée [littéraire]
to gird (on) one's sword [literary]
choisir son camp [fig.]
to choose sides
clamer son innocence
to protest one's innocence
to proclaim one's innocence
claquer son argent [fam.]
to blow one's money [idiom]fin.
combler son retard
to catch up
compléter son apprentissage
to complete one's apprenticeshipoccup.
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