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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: veiller
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English-French Dictionary: veiller

to hold a vigil
to be on sentry dutymil.
veiller [entre amis]
to spend the evening in company [of friends]
veiller [être de garde]
to keep watchmil.
to be on watchmil.
veiller [être sur ses gardes]
to be vigilant
to be watchful
veiller [rester éveillé]
to stay up
to sit up [stay up]
veiller qn. [un malade]
to watch over sb.méd.
to sit up with sb.méd.
veiller qn. [un mort]
to keep watch over sb.
to keep vigil over sb.
veiller à qc.
to pay heed to sth.
veiller sur qn.
to watch over sb.
veiller sur qn./qc.
to look after sb./sth.
to take care of sb./sth.
to keep an eye on sb./sth.
veiller tard
to keep late hours
veiller au grain [fig.]
to be on the alert
veiller au grain [loc.]
to keep one's weather eye open [idiom]
to keep an eye out for trouble [idiom]
veiller auprès de qn.
to sit up at sb.'s bedside
veiller jalousement sur qn./qc.
to watch jealously over sb./sth.
veiller à ce que ... [+subj.]
to see to it that ...
veiller à l'ordre public
to keep the peacedr.
veiller à la concurrence
to look to one's laurels [idiom]
veiller à sa santé
to look after one's healthméd.
veiller au chevet de qn.
to sit up at sb.'s bedside
veiller jusqu'au retour de qn.
to wait up for sb.
veiller à ce qu'elle arrive à l'heure
to make sure that she gets there on time
veiller au bon déroulement de qc.
to see to it that sth. goes smoothly
veiller aux intérêts du pays
to see to the interests of the countrypol.
to attend to the interests of the countrypol.
to look after the interests of the countrypol.
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