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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: A
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English-Italian Dictionary: A

A domani!
See you tomorrow!
A presto!
See you soon!
a bardosso {adv}
a bizzeffe {adv}
in plenty
in abundance
galore [in abundance]
a bruciapelo {adv}
a casa {adv}
at home
a casaccio {adv} [per caso]
at random
a casaccio {adv} [senza cura]
any old how
a casaccio {adv} [senza riflettere]
off the top of one's head
A chi tocca?
Who is next?
a destra {adv}
on the right
to the right
a ghigliottina {adj} [inv.] [battente]
sliding [attr.] [e.g. door, ladder, roof]archi.
a iosa {adv}
in abundance
in great quantity
galore [in abundance]
a malapena {adv}
a memoria {adv}
by heart
a mezzanotte {adv}
at midnight
a mezzogiorno {adv}
at midday
a parte
apart from
a piacere {adv}
at will
to taste
A più tardi.
See you.
a proposito {adv}
by the way <BTW>
a sinistra {adv}
left <l.>
a sinistra {prep}
on the left
to the left
a stento {adv}
a volte {adv}
at times
now and then
now and again
from time to time
(every) once in a while
Abito a...
I live in ...
accanto a {prep}
next to
close to
assieme a qn./qc. {adv}
with sb./sth.
da ... a ...
from ... to ...
davanti a {prep}
in front of
dietro a {prep}
at the back of
estraneo a qn./qc. {adj} [che non ha relazione]
extraneous to sb./sth.
grazie a qn./qc. {prep}
owing to sb./sth.
pertinente a {adj}
relevant to
pertinent to
riferito a qn./qc.
referred to sb./sth.
rispetto a qn./qc. {prep}
compared to sb./sth.
rispetto a qn./qc. {prep} [loc. pres.]
in comparison with sb./sth.
sensibile (a) {adj}
susceptible (to)
vicino a {prep}
vicino a qc./qn. {prep}
by [near / beside]
abitare a
to live in
to dwell in
accedere a
to accede to
to gain access to
acconsentire a qc.
to consent to sth.
to agree to sth. [consent to sth.]
aderire a qn./qc. [stare attaccato]
to stick to sb./sth.
to adhere to sb./sth. [to stick to]
ammontare a qc.
to amount to sth.
appartenere a qn./qc.
to belong to sb./sth.
appoggiarsi a qn.
to rely on sb.
ascoltare a qn./qc.
to listen to sb./sth.
assistere a qc. [evento, performance]
to attend sth.
assomigliare a qc./qn.
to resemble sth./sb.
attribuire qc. a qn. [invenzione, qualità, merito]
to credit sb. with sth.
avvicinarsi a qn./qc.
to approach sb./sth.
to go up to sb./sth.
to come up to sb./sth.
badare a qc.
to take care of sth.
badare a qn. [bambino, malato]
to look after sb.
badare a qn. [cliente]
to attend to sb.
badare a qn./qc.
to care about sb./sth.
to pay attention to sb./sth.
brindare a qn./qc.
to drink to sb./sth.
collegare a qn./qc.
to relate to sb./sth. [fig.]
to connect to sb./sth. [link to sb./sth.]
concorrere a qc.
to compete for sth.
to contribute to sth.
connettere qc. a qc.
to link sth. to sth.
consumare a qc.
to commit to sth.
to consummate to sth.
contribuire a qc.
to contribute to sth.
corrispondere a qn./qc.
to correspond with sb./sth.
credere a qn./qc.
to believe sb./sth.
dare qc. a qn.
give sth. to sb.
to give sb. sth.
darsi a qn./qc.
to devote oneself to sb./sth.
dire qc. a qn.
to tell sb. sth.
to say sth. to sb.
disaffezionarsi a qn./qc.
to go off sb./sth. [Br.] [coll.]
fatturare qc. a qn.
to invoice sth. to sb.
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