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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

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e-bok {m/f}e-book [short for: electronic book]
e-handel {m}e-commerce
e-post {m}e-mail
e-post {m}email
e-postadresse {m/f}e-mail address
e-postadresse {m/f}email address
ebok {m/f}e-book [short for: electronic book]
ecuadorianer {m}Ecuadorian
ed {m}oath
edderkopp {m}spider
edderkoppnett {n}spiderweb
Eddie {m}Eddie
eddik {m}vinegar
eddiksyre {m/f} [E-260] [CH3COOH]>acetic acid
edelgass {m}noble gas
edelmetall {n}precious metal
edelmodig [litt.]magnanimous
edelweiss {m} [Leontopodium alpinum]edelweiss
Edens hage {m}Garden of Eden
Edgar {m}Edgar
edisjon {m}edition
Edmund {m}Edmund
Edvard {m}Edvard
Edvin {m}Edvin
Edward {m}Edward
Edwin {m}Edwin
effekt {m}effect
effektforsterker {m}booster
effektive rammelengde {m/f}effective reach [effective frame length]
effektivitet {m}efficiency
eføy {m}ivy
Egeerhavet {n}Aegean Sea
egenandel {m}deductible [Am.]
egenandel {m}excess [Br.]
egeninnsats {m}personal contribution
egenkapital {m}equity [capital]
egennavn {n}proper name
egennavn {n}proper noun
egenskap {m}characteristic
egenskap {m}property
egenskap {m}quality
egenskap {m}trait
egenskaper {pl}properties
egenundersøkelse {m}self-examination
egenvekt {m/f}tare weight
egenvekt {m/f} [bil]kerb weight [Br.]
egenverdi {m}intrinsic value
egg {n}egg
eggeglass {n}egg cup
eggehvite {m}egg white
eggeplomme {m/f}egg yolk
eggerøre {m/f}scrambled eggs {pl}
eggeskall {n}eggshell
eggfrukt {m/f} [Solanum melongena]aubergine [esp. Br.]
eggfrukt {m/f} [Solanum melongena]eggplant [esp. Am.]
eggstokk {m}ovary
Egil {m}Egil
å egne seg tilto lend itself to
egoist {m}egoist
egoistiskselfish [egoistic]
egosentriskself-centered [Am.] [egocentric]
egretthegre {m} [Ardea alba, syn.: Casmerodius albus, Egretta alba]great egret
egretthegre {m} [Ardea alba, syn.: Casmerodius albus, Egretta alba]great white egret
Egypt {n}Egypt <.eg>
egypter {m}Egyptian
egyptolog {m}Egyptologist
ei / en god saka good cause
ei / en klype salta pinch of salt
eid {n}isthmus
å eieto have got
å eieto own
å eieto possess
å eie noeto own sth.
eiendel {m}(item of) property
eiendel {m}asset
eiendeler {pl}belongings
eiendom {m}property
eiendomspronomen {n}possessive pronoun
eiendomsrett {m}right of ownership
eier {m}owner
eierskap {m} {n}ownership
Eigil {m}Eigil
eik {m/f}oak
eike {m/f}spoke
eikehull {n}spoke hole
eikenippel {m}spoke nipple
eikenøtt {m/f}acorn
eiker {pl}spokes
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