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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

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så [deretter]then [soon after that]
å såto sow
sabbat {m}Sabbath
sabel {m}sabre [esp. Br.]
sabinemåke {m/f} [Xema sabini]Sabine's gull
sabotasje {m}sabotage
å sabotereto sabotage
sabotør {m}saboteur
Sachsen {n} <SN>Saxony
sadel {m}saddle
sadisme {m}sadism
sadist {m}sadist
safir {m} [Al2O3]sapphire
safran {m}saffron
saft {m/f} [blandet ut med vann for å bli drikkeferdig][drink made of fruit juice, mixed with water]
safteri {n}juice factory
sag {m/f}saw
saga {m}saga
saga {m} blotta thing of the past
sagbruk {n}sawmill
å sageto saw
å sagge [uform.] [om bukser]to sag [coll.] [trousers]
sagging {m/f} [om bukser]sagging [coll.] [trousers]
sagmugg {m} {n}sawdust
sagn {n}legend
sak {m/f}affair
sak {m/f}case
sak {m/f}story
sakkarin {m} {n} [E-954]saccharin
å sakke (ned)to slow (down)
saks {m/f}scissors {sg} {pl}
saksedyr {n}earwig
saksofon {m}saxophone
saksofonist {m}saxophonist
å saksøke noen for noeto sue sb. for sth.
sakte, men sikkertslowly but surely
å saktne (farten)to slow down
sal {m}saddle
sal {m} [stort rom]hall [large room]
salafisme {m}Salafi movement
salafisme {m}Salafism
salafisme {m}Salafist movement
salamander {m}salamander
salat {m}lettuce
salat {m}salad
salatslynge {m/f}salad drier
salatslynge {m/f}salad spinner
saldo {m}balance [of a bank account etc.]
såle {m} [innleggssåle]insole
såle {m} [underside av fot eller sko]sole [of foot or shoe]
å såle noeto sole sth.
salg {n}sale
salgsautomat {m}coin machine
salgsrepresentant {m}sales representative
salgsselskap {n}sales company
salinitet {m}salinity
salme {m}hymn
salme {m} [fra Salmenes bok i Bibelen]psalm
salmebok {m/f}hymn book
Salmenes bok {m/f} [ubøy.]Book of Psalms
Salomos ordspråk {pl}(Book of) Proverbs <Prov>
salpetersyre {m/f} [HNO3]nitric acid
salt {n}salt
saltbil {m}salt spreading vehicle
saltbøsse {m/f}salt shaker
saltebil {m}salt spreading vehicle
saltholdighet {m/f}salinity
saltlake {m}brine
salto {m} [saltomortale]somersault
saltomortale {m}somersault
saltsyre {m/f}hydrochloric acid
saltvann {n}salt water
salvadoraner {m}Salvadorean
salvadoraner {m}Salvadorian
å salveto anoint
salve {m/f}ointment
salve {m/f}salve
salvie {m}sage
samarbeid {n}co-operation
samarbeid {n}collaboration
samarbeid {n}cooperation
samarbeid {n}teamwork
å samarbeideto co-operate
å samarbeideto collaborate
å samarbeideto cooperate
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