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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: se
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English-Romanian Dictionary: se

seleniu {n} <Se>
selenium <Se>chim.
ceva se potrivește
sth. suits
ceva se produce
sth. takes place
a (se) bâlbâi
to stammer
to stutterling.
a (se) diminua
to ease off
a (se) micșora
to ease off
a (se) repeta
to repeat
a se aclimatiza
to acclimatize
a se acomoda
to accommodate oneself
a se afla
to lie
to be placed
to be situated
a se afunda
to sink
a se alinia [despre trupe]
to dress [of troops]
a se amuza
to amuse
a se angaja
to commit [oneself]
a se antrena
to train
a se apleca
to bend over
a se ascunde
to hide
a se așeza
to take a seat
a se asfixia
to smother
a se aștepta
to expect
a se autodepăși
to surpass oneself
a se balona
to bloat
a se bărbieri
to shave
a se bate
to fight
a se bifurca
to bifurcate
a se blegi
to droop
a se bosumfla
to sulk
a se bucura
to rejoice
a se buluci [pop.]
to crowd
a se calcifia
to calcify
a se califica
to qualify
a se căra
to skedaddle
a se caria
to decay [tooth]
a se căsători
to marry
to get married
a se cățăra
to climb
a se certa
to argue
to quarrel
to altercate
to have a tiff [coll.]
a se chinui [a se strădui]
to try hard
a se chivernisi [pop.]
to make one's pile [make a lot of money]
a se cicatriza
to heal
a se clasa
to class
a se clătina
to falter
a se cocoța
to climb up
a se comporta
to behave
a se culca
to go to bed
a se cunoaște
to be acuainted
a se datora
to be due
a se demachia
to take one's make-up offcosm.
a se descompune
to decompose
a se descurca
to manage
a se descurca [într-o anumită situație]
to find one's way around
a se desfăta
to kick back [coll.]
a se despărți
to break up [Am.]
a se despărți [un grup, o formație]
to disband
a se destinde
to kick back [coll.]
a se destrăma
to crumble
a se deteriora
to deteriorate
a se dezbrăca
to take off one's clothes
a se dezechilibra
to lose one's balance
a se dezgheța
to thaw
a se dezintegra
to disintegrate
a se distra
to have fun
a se documenta
to do research
a se dovedi
to turn out to be
a se droga
to do drugs [coll.]droguri
a se duela
to duel
a se enerva
to get angry
a se epila
to remove one's (bodily) hair / hairs [plucking / waxing etc.]
a se evapora
to evaporate
a se exprima
to express oneself
a se extinde
to spread
a se făli
to show off
a se fâțâi
to fidget
a se fofila [pop.]
to weasel out
to sneak (in/out)
to evade responsibility
a se gândi
to think
a se ghiftui
to gorge
to stuff oneself
a se giugiuli
to cuddle
a se grăbi
to hustle
to hurry up
a se hemoliza
to hemolyze [Am.]med.
to haemolyse [Br.]med.
a se hlizi
to titter
a se holba
to peer
to gaze
to stare
a se hotărî
to decide
a se îmbăta
to get pissed [sl.] [Br.]
a se îmbrăca
to wear
to dress
to put on [clothes]
a se îmbulzi
to throng
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