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Anglicko-slovenský slovník

Slovak-English translation for: To
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English-Slovak Dictionary: To

PRON   ten | | to | tie |
A je to!
Done! [Finished!]
a to [čiže]
Ako to? [ľud.]
How so?
How come? [coll.]
Bodaj to!
Drat (it)!
Čekuj to! [sl.]
Check it out! [Am.] [coll.] [Look at that!]
Nakopni to! [sl.]
Hit it!
Nechajme to! [Už o tom nehovorme!]
Let's drop it!
Nechápem to.
I don't get it. [coll.]
Nesúri to.
It will keep. [It is not urgent]
Nezakríkni to!
Don't jinx it!
Don't speak too soon! [idiom]
Nič to!
Never mind!
Rozbaľ to! [sl.]
Hit it!
Roztočme to!
Let's rock and roll! [sl.]
Skráť to!
Cut it short! [coll.]
Skús to!
Give it a try!
Skúsim (to).
I'll have a bash (at it). [Br.] [coll.]
Spusti to! [ľud.]
Hit it!
To nejde.
No can do. [coll.]
To nemôžem.
No can do. [coll.] [I can't do it.]
To nepôjde.
This won't do.
No can do. [coll.]
To nevadí.
It doesn't matter.
To nič.
No harm done.
To počká.
It can wait.
It will keep. [It can wait]
To sotva!
Not likely! [coll.]
To stačí!
That's enough!
To stačí.
That will do.
To viem.
You're telling me.
Ujde to. [ľud.] [odpoveď na otázku: Ako sa máš?]
Pretty good. [coll.]
Ujde to. [ľud.] [Odpoveď na otázku: Ako sa máš?]
Not (so) bad. [as answer to question: How are you?]
Vyklop to! [ľud.] [Povedz to!]
Spit it out! [coll.]
Vyskúšaj to!
Give it a try!
Vysyp to! [ľud.] [Povedz to!]
Spit it out! [coll.]
Zvládneš to!
You got this!
dokázať to [dok.]
to make it [manage]
domrviť to [dok.] [pokaziť]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
natrieť to n-mu [dok.] [ľud.]
to sock it to sb. [coll.]
nevydržať to [dok.] [psychicky]
to break down
odplatiť to n-mu [dok.]
to hit back at sb.
oplatiť to n-mu [dok.] [ľud.]
to hit back at sb.
to retaliate against sb.
pobabrať to [dok.] [ľud.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
pohnojiť to [dok.] [ľud.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
pokafrať to [dok.] [ľud.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
pokašlať to [dok.] [ľud.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
poondiať to [dok.] [ľud.] [pokaziť]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
poondiť to [dok.] [ľud.] [pokaziť]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
posrať to [dok.] [vulg.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
prepísknuť to [dok.] [ľud.] [prehnať]
to overstep the mark [idiom]
prestreliť (to) [dok.]
to overdo it
risknúť to [dok.]
to take a leap of faith
skaziť to [dok.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
skopať to [dok.] [sl.] [pokaziť]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
skúsiť to [dok.]
to give it a try
to give it a go [coll.]
spackať to [dok.] [ľud.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
vrátiť to n-mu [dok.] [idióm] [pomstiť sa]
to get back at sb. [idiom]
vrátiť to n-mu [dok.] [pomstiť sa]
to hit back at sb.
to retaliate against sb.
vytmaviť to n-mu [dok.] [idióm]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]
vytmaviť to n-mu [dok.] [idióm] [vynadať]
to give sb. what for [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [scold]
zabaliť to [dok.] [ľud.] [skončiť prácu]
to call it a day [idiom]
zakríknuť to [dok.]
to speak too soon [idiom]
zbabrať to [dok.] [ľud.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
zmrviť to [dok.] [ľud.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
zorať to [dok.] [ľud.]
to drop the ball [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
zvládnuť to [dok.]
to make it [manage]
... a je to!
... and Bob's your uncle! [Br.] [coll.]
(No) to určite! [ľud.]
As if! [coll.]
You wish! [coll.] [iron.]
A ideme na to!
And away we go!
A je to tu!
Here we go!
Ako to vieš?
How can you tell?
Ako to, že ...
How is it that ... ?
Baví ma to.
I enjoy it.
Daj na to! [ľud.]
High five! [Am.]
Dupni na to! [ľud.] [idióm]
Step on it! [coll.] [idiom]
Hneď to bude!
Coming up!gastr.
Ide mu to.
He is doing well.
Ide ti to.
You're doing well.
Idem na to!
Here goes!
Ideme na to!
Let's rock and roll! [sl.]
Ja to vybavím.
Let me handle this.
Je to pravda.
It's true.
Kašlať na to!
Screw it! [coll.] [vulg.]
Kašli na to!
Never mind that!
Kde to viazne?
What's the holdup?
Keď to hovoríš ...
If you say so ...
Koľko to stojí?
How much is it?
Kukaj na to! [ľud.]
Check it out! [Am.] [coll.] [Look at that!]
Kukni na to! [ľud.]
Check it out! [Am.] [coll.] [Look at that!]
Lichotí mi to.
I feel flattered.
Mrkaj na to! [sl.]
Check it out! [Am.] [coll.] [Look at that!]
Mrzí ma to.
I am sorry.
I feel bad about it.
Myslím to vážne.
I mean it.
No kidding. [coll.] [I mean it.]
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