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Anglicko-slovenský slovník

Slovak-English translation for: je
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English-Slovak Dictionary: je

[ono] je
it's [it is]
there is
n-o/ n-čo je
sb./sth. is
A je to!
Done! [Finished!]
Čo je?
What's the dilly? [coll.]
Čo je? [ľud.]
What's up? [coll.]
Je koniec.
It's over.
je načase [správny čas]
it's about time
Je slnečno.
It's sunny.meteor.
Je veterno.
It's windy.meteor.
Je zamračené.
It's cloudy.meteor.
It is overcast.meteor.
... a je to!
... and Bob's your uncle! [Br.] [coll.]
A je to tu!
Here we go!
A vec je vybavená.
That takes care of that.
Čo ti je?
What's wrong with you?
What's the matter with you?
Je hlboká noc.
It's the middle of the night.
Je mi čudne.
I feel out of sorts.
Je mi nanič. [Je mi zle od žalúdka.]
I feel queasy.
Je mi nevoľno.
I feel unwell.
I don't feel well.
I feel nauseated.med.
Je mi nevoľno. [od žalúdka]
I feel sick.med.
Je mi zima.
I'm cold.
I feel chilly.
Je mi zle.
I feel sick.med.
I feel nauseous.med.
I feel nauseated.med.
je možné, že ...
chances are (that) ...
je nádej, že ...
chances are (that) ...
Je najvyšší čas. [idióm]
It is high time. [idiom]
Je po všetkom.
It's all over.
Je pod mrakom.
It's cloudy.meteor.
Je pravda, že ...
Admittedly, ...
je pravdepodobné, že ...
chances are (that) ...
Je tam toho. [ľud.]
Big deal. [coll.]
What's the big deal? [coll.]
Je to pravda.
It's true.
Je tu čisto.
It's clean here.
Je tu frmol. [ľud.]
It's all go here. [Br.] [Aus.]
je zbytočné robiť n-čo
it is no use doing sth.
there is no use (in) doing sth.
Jedno je isté.
One thing is certain.
Koľko je hodín?
What time is it?
Kto je tam?
Who is there?
Linka je obsadená.
Line is busy. [Am.]telekom.
Line is engaged. [Br.]telekom.
Nie je šanca!
Not a hope! [coll.]
Not a hope in hell! [coll.]
Podstatné je, že ...
The bottom line is (that) ...
Risk je zisk.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Situácia je opačná.
Tthe shoe is on the other foot. [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
To je dobrota!
It's delicious!
It's scrumptious! [coll.]
It's scrummy! [Br.] [coll.]
To je fuk! [ľud.]
Yeah, whatever! [coll.]
To je hnus!
That's disgusting!
To je hračka!
It's a snap!
It's a cinch! [coll.]
That's a piece of cake! [idiom]
To je humus! [ľud.]
That's disgusting!
To je jedno!
Never mind!
To je jedno.
It doesn't matter.
It makes no difference.
To je odporné!
That's disgusting!
To je pravda.
I'll say.
To je prehnané.
It is overkill.
To je samozrejmé.
It goes without saying.
To je trápne!
Shame job! [Aus.] [coll.]
To je zložité.
It's a whole thing.
To je, čo? [ľud.]
How about that? [coll.]
To teda je! [dôrazný súhlas s vysloveným]
Isn't it just?
Tu je to.
There you go.
Všetko (je) vybavené.
It's all sorted. [Br.] [coll.]
Vzduch je čistý. [idióm]
The coast is clear. [idiom]
..., je (to) tak?
..., right? [coll.]
ak je to možné
if possible
ak je to nevyhnuté
if necessary
ak je to potrebné
if needed
if necessary
Aká je pravdepodobnosť, že ... ?
What are the chances (that) ... ?
Ako je možné, že....
How come ... ?
Aký je váš názor?
What is your opinion?
Chvalabohu, že je preč!
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Čia je to vina?
Who is to blame?
Čo je však dôležité, ...
Importantly, ...
Čo je však dôležitejšie, ...
More importantly, ...
Čo je však najdôležitejšie, ...
Most importantly, ...
Ešte nie je koniec.
It's not over yet.
Hlad je najlepší kuchár.
Hunger is the best sauce.príslov.
Je (to) pravda, že ... ?
Is it true that ... ?
Je mi ho ľúto.
I feel bad for him.
Je mi na vracanie.
I feel sick.med.
I feel nauseous.med.
I feel nauseated.med.
Je mi to fuk. [ľud.]
I don't give a damn. [coll.]
Je mi to jedno.
I don't care.
Je mi to ľúto.
I am sorry.
Je mi to ukradnuté.
I couldn't care less. [coll.]
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