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Anglicko-slovenský slovník

Slovak-English translation for: tak
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English-Slovak Dictionary: tak

that way [thus]
tak {conj}
thus [therefore]
Tak! [vyj. rôzne pocity]
There! [expressing various feelings]
Tak. [úvod k výroku]
Right. [introducing a statement]
... a tak.
... and stuff. [coll.]
(a) tak
(tak) na n-ho/ n-čo [pri prípitku]
here's to sb./sth. [phrase preceding a toast]
a tak {conj}
a tak
aj tak
all the same
just the same
aj tak {adv}
ako ... tak {conj}
both ... and
ako tak {conj} [keď]
ako-tak {adv}
in a fashion
after a fashion
asi tak
circa <ca.>
asi tak [približne]
just about [approximately]
ešteže tak
(it's) just as well [idiom]
i tak
i tak {adv}
len tak {adv}
on a whim
len tak [bezdôvodne]
for no reason
No tak!
Come on!
No tak. [chlácholenie]
There, there. [used to comfort somebody]
Presne tak!
Right on!
Presne tak.
I'll say.
Quite (so). [Br.]
tak ... ako
as ... as
Tak ako? [ľud.]
How's it going? [coll.]
Tak dobre.
All right then.
Tak dobre. [súhlas s vysloveným a súč. úvod k výroku]
Right. [agreement with what has been said and introducing a statement]
Tak hej. [ľud.] [Platí.]
All right.
tak nejako
kind of [coll.]
Tak pomaly!
Steady on! [Br.] [coll.]
Tak spusti! [ľud.] [Hovor!]
Fire away! [coll.]
Tak spusti! [ľud.] [pokyn na začatie vystúpenia]
Take it away! [instruction to begin performance]
tak trochu
kind of [coll.]
tak trochu ...
a bit of a ... [Br.] [coll.] [rather a...]
tak trošku
kind of [coll.]
Tak zatiaľ!
Be seeing you!
See you in a bit!
Tak, tak! [vyj. súhlas]
Hear, hear!
nechať n-čo tak [dok.] [prestať robiť]
to give up on sth.
(len) tak-tak {adv}
only just [almost not]
a tak ďalej <atď.>
and so forth
and so on <etc.>
and so on <ASO>internet
Aj tak ďakujem! [pri odmietnutí ponuky]
Thanks anyway!
Thanks all the same!
Thanks just the same!
ale aj tak
with that being said
Ale no tak!
Come on!
Dobre mu tak. [idióm]
It serves him right. [idiom]
len tak-tak {adv}
by a hair [idiom]
len tak-tak {adv} [sotva]
just about
len tak-tak {adv} [tesne]
Nechaj to tak!
Get over it!
Nechaj to tak.
Let it be.
Nechajme to tak.
Never mind that.
nie tak celkom
not really
nie tak úplne
not really
No tak dobre.
Go on then. [coll.]
práve tak ako
just like
tak ..., že
so ... that
Tak (teda) dobre.
Very well then.
tak či onak
either way
tak či tak
Tak do toho!
Okay, here goes!
Tak mu treba. [idióm]
It serves him right. [idiom]
..., je (to) tak?
..., right? [coll.]
Ako prišlo, tak odišlo.
Easy come, easy go.príslov.
ani nie tak ... ako ...
not so much ... as ...
Keď treba, tak treba. [pod tlakom okolností]
Needs must when the devil drives. [idiom]
Len nie tak zhurta!
Hold your horses! [idiom]
Neber si to tak!
Lighten up!
Tak to je sila! [úžas]
That's really something!
Tak to sme dvaja.
That makes two of us.
Však je to tak? [dôrazný súhlas s vysloveným]
Isn't it just?
a tak ďalej a tak podobne
and so on and so forth
Ak si myslíš, že ... , tak sa hlboko mýliš!
If you think ... , (then) you have another think coming!
Ako si ustelieš, tak si ľahneš.
As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.príslov.
Ako zaseješ, tak budeš žať.
As you sow, so shall you reap.príslov.
Keď nad tým tak premýšľam, ...
Come to think of it, ...
Tak poď, nech si ťa vychutnám! [humorný spôsob ako ukázať osobe, kt. sa chce biť, že robí chybu]
Go ahead, make my day! [a humorous way to show a person willing to fight it would be a big mistake]
Tak sa mi to páči!
That's what I'm talking about! [sl.]
Tak som si to predstavoval!
That's what I'm talking about! [sl.]
Tak to je (vážne) sila!
That's (really) something!
konať tak, ako sa predpokladá [nedok.]
to live up to one's reputation
nechať to pre dnešok (tak) [dok.]
to call it a day [idiom]
stihnúť to len tak-tak [dok.]
to cut it fine [idiom]
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